a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Making it Simple ~ Cutlets and Pierogi

Making it simple seems just that. Pork cutlets and pierogi with applesauce makes a great dinner that is hearty and satisfying as well as inexpensive. Saute cutlets in olive oil and coconut oil along with your favorite spices. I have a habit of using the same but only because its frugal... a basic stock of seasonings save money. Over time, I have learned that red pepper flakes, garlic powder, sea salt and black pepper are simply the best basic seasonings for all kinds of dishes. I also keep coriander and paprika in my cupboard. Fresh herbs are a must and as you have learned rosemary, mint and oregano as well as parsley are used often by the Brainy Gourmet. Spices are expensive and you don't have to be exotic to get really good taste.

While the cutlets simmer away absorbing all the flavors, boil salted water for your (thawed or deli fresh) pierogi. I am using traditional potato and cheese filled. Set the table and set out a bowl of applesauce and homemade is best if you have.  Keep an eye on them as the roll and come to the top of the boil. Once tender, drain and ladle into a serving bowl. The cutlets can be placed on a serving plate drizzled with juices from the skillet.
don't forget the sour cream...

~ Tutti a Tavola!

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