a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Making it Simple ~ Pork in Creamy Mustard Sauce

Food combinations are important for every eater. Rather than get hung up on putting certain things together, better to blend a variety of good quality food with reasonable portions. I like basic cooking and likely that won't change in the brainy kitchen. So, what's for dinner? A basic dinner is: simple cut of meat with a side of either rice, groats, pasta or a potato and maybe even another green or yellow vegetable side, slowly steamed, sauteed or or even fermented.

Wash and slice green pepper and zucchini that will be sauteed in a bit of olive oil, coconut oil and some simple seasonings: sea salt, red pepper flakes, garlic powered (organic) and dried herbs. Grab your covered skillet and melt in your oils. Add your veggies and let them sizzle on med heat. When they have browned on the edges and become a little transparent remove from the skillet and set aside.

Slice your pork into small medallions. Add a bit more of your oils to the same skillet that you cooked the veggies in and lay in your pork. Sizzle on med heat until meat appears white and browned on the edges. Add 2 tbs of creamy organic Dijon mustard and 1/3 cup of heavy cream. Cover and simmer for 8 min on a low flame or heat. Prepare another side if you like, potato baked or boiled.

Garnish with fresh green parsley which is excellent for digestion!

~ Tutti a Tavola!

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