a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Monday, October 19, 2015

Making it Simple ~ Medallions in Creamy Sauce with Ribbon Zucchini and Squash

Making it simple is just that. Take a basic meat, add some herbs and cream, then prepare a vegetable side and voila which means to express approval or satisfaction. For this meal, I chose to make what was once called the other 'white' meat... pork. I like pork and my family does too. The loin cut is best to use when making medallions. You simply slice thick chunks of the loin into medallion like shapes and saute in olive oil, coconut oil and half a chopped onion with a few dried herbs thrown in. Once the medallions have browned to a rustic richness on all sides, you can pour in about 1/4 cup of heavy cream. Let this come to a bubbly boil, then turn off the heat, cover and set aside. In another skillet, quickly stir fry thinly sliced or ribboned zucchini with some chopped onion and green pepper. Add a bit of teriyaki sauce, cover and cook for 3 min on med heat. If you like you can add another side, my choice tonight is acorn squash which can be microwaved after carefully halving, de-seeding.

 ~ Tutti a Tavola!

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