a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Making it Simple ~ Easy Fettuccine Alfredo with Carmelized Root Veggies and Danish Bacon

Some of you might be thinking, how could this be simple; fettuccine alfredo with caramelized root vegetables and Danish bacon. And, why Danish bacon? The Danish bacon I buy at the Polish Deli is just outstanding. It has more meat than most hams. It is lightly smoked and always juicy. Root vegetables this time of year are amazing: parsnips and carrots... the best. If you are thinking this does not sound like your everyday simple fettuccine alfredo, you are both right and wrong. Right that it is not your everyday fettuccine and wrong if you think it too complicated.

Saute chopped onion in 4-5 tablespoons of olive oil, add your diced danish bacon (which comes in a thick cut) and then dried herbs: rosemary, mint and oregano. Brown this mixture and then set aside when onion is transparent and bacon is cooked through. To this same skillet, add more olive oil and 2 tbs of coconut oil. Toss in peeled julienne parsnips and carrots, saute on med heat. Once tender and nicely caramelized, return the onion and bacon laying on top of the root veggies. Then, turn the heat to low or warm and cover.

Bring salted water to a boil and add your fettuccine, I like to use the tomato infused pasta.  Meanwhile, take out another skillet and melt in 3 tbs of butter and 1 tbs of olive oil on low heat. Then add 1 tbs of flour to make a rue (base for white sauce). As soon as it thickens, add 3/4 cup of heavy cream, a dash of salt and pepper and the same of garlic powder along with fresh dried parsley. Also, add 1/4 cup of parmesan cheese, stir until creamy. If the pasta is done, drain and pour out the creamy alfredo sauce. You can top with the bacon and root veggies or use them as a side dish.

~ Tutti a Tavola!

* what do parsnips taste like... the taste is deliciously nutty!

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