a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Fresh Lime and Blackened Peppered Alaskan Salmon

Price per serving for two: $2.40

You will need to buy one package of fresh frozen Wild Caught Alaskan Salmon. I bought a six piece package at Aldi for 3.99. If you don't have in the fridge, one lime. I bought one at my local fresh grocer for .49 cents. And, if you don't already have potatoes in the pantry, get some. I happen to have a 2 lb. bag of yellow gold in the pantry for which I paid $1.89.  This bag has provided 3 meals so far and will provide at least 3 more. In this way, I can figure in about .31 cents each meal.

Take from the pantry:
Sea Salt
Olive Oil
Fresh Butter
Coconut Oil
Black Pepper
Garlic Powder
Dried Herb Seasonings
* rosemary, mint and thyme or oregano

The salmon should be thawed and sitting in a marinate of fresh squeezed lime juice, sea salt, black pepper, garlic powder and dried herb seasoning. Before cooking, remove the dark line of meat from each piece. This part has a strong bitter taste. Take out your favorite skillet. By now, you know mine... deep and covered. Melt 3 tbs of coconut oil and the same of olive oil and one pat of fresh 'salted' butter.  Once the oils have spit at you, lay in your salmon and cover. Let the fillets cook covered for a while. In that time, prepare halved potatoes in a drizzle of olive oil in a glass dish to be microwaved. Back to the salmon which should be ready to turn over. Do that, and cover again for an additional 2 min; and, then uncover turning up the flame til the edges blacken... just the edges. When the microwave beeps, the potatoes are done and the fillets as well. For garnish, just add more fresh lime slices/wedges. To zing up the potatoes, you can drizzle on some of the pan oils from the salmon and I always like to include on the table a small dish of fresh sour cream. I recommend as a brainy gourmet that every kitchen have fresh sour cream, heavy cream, and salted butter as wonders can be done with these items at any moments notice using just about any fresh food product.
A New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc, when slightly chilled, pairs well with fish...not figured into the price per serving.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Give us this Day our Daily Bread - Food Accessibility in America

Food Accessibility in America used to be the same as in Europe... the idea of grocery stores in every neighborhood serving the community. It was common here in the US before big box stores and urban sprawl.  In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries the age of the independent mom-and-pop stores appeared widely and conveniently. As residents moved into neighborhoods segregated by class and ethnicity and into the suburbs created by the new means of transportation, small family-run stores sprang up to meet their needs. These new groceries, meat markets, vegetable stands, and bakeries typically reflected the ethnic demographics of the neighborhood—  Polish neighborhoods were served by Polish grocers, Jewish neighborhoods by Jewish grocers. Stores often carried ethnic foods that were hard to find elsewhere and conducted business in the native language of their customers. Workers followed this pattern as well. The bakers' union had separate locals for it German, Bohemian, Scandinavian, Polish, and English members, while the meat cutters had separate German, Bohemian, Jewish, and African American locals.
Thousands of small neighborhood stores dotted Chicago's urban landscape until the 1950s. Families rarely owned any sort of refrigeration besides an icebox, so housewives shopped for food almost daily. This put a premium on convenience; the store had to be within walking distance of home. By 1914, some 7,400 groceries, 1,800 meat markets, and several hundred fruit and vegetable stands served the city. Except for those stores located where streetcar lines crossed, proprietors could expect only a few hundred regular customers. To protect themselves from the fierce competition that characterized their industry, Chicago's retail food store owners formed many associations over the years. Since the industry was notorious for its long hours, these associations often agitated for early closing and Sunday closing rules. As early as 1855, retailers formed an Early Closing Association to give themselves time off in the evening. The Chicago Grocer and Butcher Clerks Protective Association joined with the Retail Grocers and Butchers Association in 1900 to pressure employers who refused to join the Sunday closing crusade, but their successes were short-lived until union contracts introduced in the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s effectively set the hours of operation for the industry. The rise of chain store companies in the years after World War I seriously challenged the dominance of the independent grocers. http://www.encyclopedia.chicagohistory.org/pages/554.html
I think it is sad that we have fewer local grocery stores and more big box stores. It is more difficult to get to food because of this lack of local grocery stores in America's neighborhoods. While I lived in Europe, I treated the local stores, there were many in my block, as my additional storage: my extended pantry, my extra fridge space. In fact, I lived without a refrigerator for one year and never missed it. Why/How? Because, I was able to buy fresh daily, come home, cook it and eat it.  I know that in many of America's cities such local stores still exist but it becomes more and more difficult for smaller entrepreneurs to remain in business and especially to keep up with inflation and property taxes and insurances deemed necessary in this litigation culture. Costs for the little guy are passed down directly to the customer; whereas, with big box stores, such costs are easily managed and or absorbed in the greater nationwide infrastructure.
 What will be the future of food accessibility in America? Will we see a restoration of small local grocery stores? Will big box stores create smaller stores located within neighborhoods? Will residential neighborhoods be able to communally raise/grow their own food as in collective agro-biz? I would like to have chickens and a cow in my large back yard for milk and eggs and to share any abundance. Shouldn't we as individuals be able to do that? Point being, with the many discussions today about food deserts, why can't individuals be more proactive in providing food for themselves and others in their communities? If they cannot be proactive, then the bigger question is why not?
Give us this day our daily bread...

Monday, December 22, 2014

Food is For Celebration!

Food is more than just a means for survival. With it, we make friends, court lovers, and count our blessings ~ anonymous.  


This holiday season consider this: "Everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial. Yes, everything is permissible but not everything is constructive or beneficial. Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others. Eat anything sold in the meat market without raising questions of conscious; for, the earth is the Lord's and everything in it." 1 COR 10:23-26


We share food at weddings, at baptisms, at holidays, and birthdays and graduations. Eating food is one aspect as a physical activity but its more = food is social. Its share life... and, in sharing we find the meaning of living in a place with others.

There was an old saying that the act of forgiving is bringing someone back to the table. That is what people want, those who have done wrong and seek forgiveness, they want to come back to the table. The table is the surface for social interaction, togetherness. This Holiday Season, think of your table in this way and celebrate Life!

 Tutti a Tavola! = Everyone to the Table!

Friday, December 19, 2014

Soup as a First Course and Quiche as Second

Price per serving for two: $2.56

Soup is a first course in many cultures. When I lived in Europe, soup was part of the everyday dinner and holidays as well.  Today, I am using left over stock from the pork butt. I have some extra wide egg noodles in the pantry; a medium size bag I bought three months ago and finally just down to the last of it. Remember, I don't buy in bulk. Being frugal and being brainy about it means that it is better to buy more often what you need for the day rather than buy huge amounts just because it was a good deal. I always catch a good price on something any day of the week at my local grocer or ALDI.What I had to buy today was a one pound package of ground turkey. I planned on turkey meatballs to add to the stock. What about the quiche? All you need are eggs and cheese from the fridge, heavy cream from the fridge and pie crust... which I happen to have also in the fridge.

Take from the pantry list:
Sea Salt
Black Pepper
Red Pepper Flakes
Plain Bread Crumbs
Dried Herb Seasoning

Take the stock from the fridge and start warming it up on the stove. While that started, you can make your meatballs. You will need to mix in a glass bowl, 1/2 cup of plain bread crumbs, 1 tsp of salt and the same of black pepper. You can use as much dried herb seasoning as you like and I like a lot. Form this mixture into balls, not too big or too small. Turn up the flame on the stock so that it boils. Once it does, drop in your meatballs. Now, start another covered stock pot for boiling your noodles.

Turn down the flame on the meatballs in the pork butt stock and get going on the quiche. Turn your oven on to about F400. While the oven heats up, take a glass bowl and crack in six large eggs. To that add 1 cup of heavy cream. Then add some shredded cheese, I have some left over from the nachos supreme, about 1 cup. Add your seasonings, 1 tsp of salt and black pepper and 1/2 tsp of red pepper flakes. Blend all of this with a wisk and then take a hand mixer to froth it up a bit.
Grab a glass pie dish, unwrap a single pie crust, which I also happen to have left over from Thanksgiving, it is still good. I grease the dish with coconut oil and lay in the crust. Then I pour the egg mixture in and top with Parmesan cheese. If the oven is ready, pop it in, turning down the heat to F375.
Your soup should be ready, drain the egg noodles and spoon them into bowls. Then ladle in the stock with the turkey meatballs. Serve this while the quiche bakes. What is great about courses, it draws out dinner time and that is good since eating is social and the more we share food together, the more we share our lives together.

* a simple quiche can always become more; add mushrooms, sun dried tomatoes and even top with arugula when you serve.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

The Right Fats and The Incredible Edible Egg

Good Brain Food 

Don't Fear the Fat, Eat The Right Fats

What about the incredible edible egg?  Eggs are good for you as they have choline (fat like B vitamin) and so are other fats...the right fats. I read today, that the health of your brain depends not only on how much (or little) fat you eat but on what kind it is. Intellectual performance requires the specific type of fat found most commonly in fish, known as omega-3 fatty acids. Even diets that adhere to commonly recommended levels of fats, but the wrong kind, can undermine intelligence. What makes this finding awkward is that certain oils widely touted as healthy for the heart are especially troublesome for the mind.
Omega-3s are known to be particularly crucial constituents of the outer membrane of brain cells. It is through the fat-rich cell membrane that all nerve signals must pass. In addition, as learning and memory forge new connections between nerve cells, new membranes must be formed to sheathe them. All brain cell membranes continuously need to refresh themselves with a new supply of fatty acids. A growing amount of research suggests that the omega-3s are best suited for optimal brain function.
While consuming too much fat overall and too much saturated fat, many North Americans fail to consume enough omega-3s. And the polyunsaturated oils widely recommended as healthful for the heart and widely used in cooking, frying and prepared food—corn, safflower and sunflower oils—have almost no omega-3s. Instead they are loaded with omega-6s. You need a proper balance of omega-6s and omega-3s.
It's possible to boost alertness, memory and stress resistance by supplying food components that are precursors of important brain neurotransmitters. One of them is choline, the fat-like B vitamin found in eggs. Studies show that choline supplementation enhances memory and reaction time in animals, especially aging animals. It also enhances memory in people. Choline supplementation also minimizes fatigue. In one study, choline given during a 20-mile run improved running time by a significant amount.

Eggs need to be an important part of anyone's diet. 
One great way to indulge in the incredible edible egg is to make quiche.
Which I will make tomorrow!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

A Homecooked Hearty Pork Butt Makes a Great Soup Stock

Price per serving for two is: $3.20


You will need to buy one pork butt. I just found a really nice one for $6.42, Farmland Brand.  If you ran out of onion, better buy some. I still have three in the pantry. As a side, I am going to use left over pierogi from yesterday. If you don't have any, then just boil some potatoes.

Take from your pantry list:
Sea Salt
Beef Bouillon
Black Pepper Corn
Dried Herb Seasoning

This will take about 3 hrs. to cook or even all day on the stove is best as it fills the house the with great aroma. Your neighbors will stop by and ask what's cookin. So simply and so hearty, so deliciously juicy!  If you have not guessed, I like juicy food, juicy everything including spaghetti or farfalle with red sauce. I also like meat and potatoes juicy. Here is the best way to experience juiciness. All you need to do is take a large cast iron covered stock pot and fill with water. Place on the stove/burner and add one whole onion, 1 tbs of Sea Salt and tsp of black pepper corn. I let this get up to a boil and then sit in the pork butt. I add the dried herb seasoning mix *rosemary, mint and oregano. The last to go in is a large dollop of beef bouillon.  I buy the natural like homemade refrigerator brand, it just tastes better. If you don't have any, you can add what my grandma used to do, a few bones left over that still contained marrow, and any left over beef for additional flavor, now that's being frugal.  Basically, that's it. All you have to do is monitor the  pork butt/soup stock from time to time within that 3 hr. period. What happens in there is magic.
Just before serving time, toss in the left over pierogi or potatoes (pre cooked on the stove).
Pork butt is a super tasty cut of meat and the fat that has makes it juicy.

A Stone Age Diet - Considering Dr. Loren Cordain's Paleo-Diet

A Stone Age diet is the one and only diet that ideally fits our genetic makeup writes Loren Cordain, an evolutionary nutritionist at Colorado State University, in his book: The Paleo Diet: Lost Weight and Get Healthy by Eating the Foods You were Designed to Eat.  What does that mean? According to Cordain we should eat plenty of lean mean and fish, which I am all for. In fact, I would love to do as she does here. However, these days there would be fishing license requirements, considering costs and limits on catch, probably not as frugal today as it was then; and where would I hang my catch to dry/smoke? When most people can't even hang laundry in the yard.

Back to Cordain, the professor says that we really should not eat dairy products,beans or cereal grains because they are foods introduced into our diet after the invention of cooking and agriculture. Paleo-diet advocates like Cordain say that we we should stick to the foods our hunter-gatherer ancestors once ate, we can avoid the disease of civilization, such as heart disease, high  blood pressure, diabetes, cancer and even acne. Meat has played a starring role in the evolution of the human dies. And humans are still evolving. The discussion is that we should also pay attention to that evolution in context of life styles and exercise. In our evolution, we have adapted and meat is considered not so necessary by some and yet again, we hear from scholars such as Cordain that meat and even a good 'bit' of fat (as you could read in a previous post of mine ~ "Don't Fear the Fat???") and or marrow is good for us regarding brain cell growth, evolution and throughout life's bodily changes, meat has vital nutrition. What is agreed on by most is that being human isn't our taste for meat but our ability to adapt to many habitats and to create many healthy diets in any place. *Taken from the article "The Evolution of Diet" by Ann Gibbons: in National Geographic Sept. 2014
The problem with living the Paleo Diet is that not everyone is able to, or allowed to. There are so many restrictions that most people today in this 21st century can no longer and or are not allowed to adapt to his/her environment and to feed him/herself or family.  In many places, you can even raise chickens without a permit or half acre. What is happening to our evolution?  Are we becoming more and more reliant on machines/manufacturing, and fast food eateries. Perhaps, we could answer Yes. Thankfully, many people are rethinking their diet, their ability to raise food and even to hunt and fish for it. Would that mean a retreat to survival of the fittest? Only greedy people can answer that question.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Butterfly Chops in Carmelized Pineapple with Lemon Garlic and Mint/Thyme

Price per serving for two: $2.08

You will need to buy boneless butterfly pork chops. I found a nice package of two of the Farmland brand for just $2.79. I bought a can of chunk pineapple on sale for .89 cents and a lemon for .49.

Take from the pantry list:
Coconut Oil
Olive Oil
Sea Salt
Red Pepper Flakes
Dried mint and thyme

Take out your covered skillet. Add 3 tbs of coconut oil and the same of olive oil. Peel and slice two cloves of fresh garlic, wash and slice your lemon (using 4-5 med slices with rind on). Turn on the flame to med and toss in the garlic and lemon. Open your canned pineapple (you can use fresh when in season).  Toss in as many chunks as you would like and add some of the juice.  Let that mixture bubble up before adding the chops. Once it has, lay in the butterfly chops.Season the top of the chops with sea salt, red pepper flakes and some dried mint and thyme. I like to cook them through in this way first, takes about 15 mins, depending on the thickness. After fifteen min. or so, move the chops over and move garlic and lemon to one side. Turn up the flame to high and sear the pork a bit on both sides, 2 min. The garlic and lemon will sizzle a bit too, which is ok. Remove the chops from skillet (placing them on a serving platter) and then add a bit more pineapple juice. I also add tbs of butter and then turn the flame to super high to get this mixture caramelizing. Once it has, turn off the flame and pour this delicious sauce over the chops.

*You can serve this dish with a crispy crunchy onion and fennel salad drizzled with olive oil, topped with raisins and shaved Parmesan cheese on a bed of any green leaf for color.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Heavy Cream in the Fridge, why is it so valuable to the brainy gourmet???

Having heavy cream in the fridge is an absolute must. It is incredibly valuable because of its many uses. That is why it is so frugal for the brainy gourmet at your house.

My number one use is for sauces/gravies and salad dressings. I also like to add it to soups and cold coffee. You can whip it up and instantly have a desert topping. You can use it for baking, for pancakes, for crepes, for hot cereal and even added to cottage cheese.

One pint lasts me a week for all the above uses and at a cost of about $1.89 it is brainy; whether, you are making a new meal or having left overs, its frugal way to stretch any budget. Though I use heavy cream in my cooking, I stretch out one pint over several days; which means that I am not drinking a pint a day or using that much in every dish/meal I cook. 

The amount of calories and fat from using heavy cream are thus stretched out in every dish/meal. Read my blog on "Don't Fear the Fat". Every human brain needs a certain amount of fat everyday to be brainy. And for the creamiest scrambled eggs, use heavy cream.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

This Weekend Challenge and How Pears are Good for You

This weekend will be a ready steady cook weekend. I will roast chicken and make stock in 25 min.  Subscribe to receive today so you don't miss a thing. 


* tip of the day - Did you know a few slices for fresh pear can subdue heartburn?

Fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as juices made from them, are often referred to as live foods because they contain active enzymes. Enzymes are found in higher amounts in raw foods because they are extremely sensitive to heat and are destroyed during cooking and pasteurization.
There are two major types of enzymes:synthetases and hydrolases.
Hydrolases are also known as digestive enzymes. These enzymes have shown in scientific studies to exert a wide variety of beneficial effects including assistance in digestion.
Pears are an excellent source of water soluble fibers, including pectin. In fact, pears are actually higher in pectin than apples. This makes them quite useful in helping to lower cholesterol levels and in toning the intestines. Toning the intestinal muscles improves their ability to push your digested foods through your gastrointestinal tract. Since their skin provides some of their fiber and higher levels of nutrients, it is best not to peel the fruit, but to eat the entire pear.

Quick Draw Brainy Nachos Supreme

price per serving for two: $3.45

You will need to buy 1 pound of ground turkey. I bought a pound at my local grocer, paying $2.45. You will need to buy sour cream $1.89. A bag of your favorite Corn Chips. I bought restaurant style at ALDI for $1.69. If you don't have on hand, one onion and one green pepper. Today, I bought red paprika and chili powder both of which were not on the original pantry list, paying $2.89 for each. I just so happen to have grated cheese but if you don't have ...buy that too - a mix of Cheddar and Colby, I have paid no more than $3 dollars for a med sized bag. You also can buy your favorite salsa or make your own. It is easy. Just take either fresh tomatoes or canned diced tomatoes. Put into a blender, add green pepper, onion, and pineapple. I am not a fan of cilantro so, I use fresh Italian parsley. A pinch of salt and a squeeze of fresh lemon or lime juice. Blend til your have a slushy consistency. If don't have salsa and need to buy then I recommend the ALDI brand - simply nature  'organic' mild which usually is about $1.99
 As you know, when I cook, I base the cost per serving on ingredients that are a one time use as the others I use over and over which makes it difficult to calculate into each recipe. All in all, it is best to figure the cost of the one time use items and add on an estimate for the others based on use over a period of time. All the ingredients here, except the ground turkey (a one time use), will be used over and over again throughout the week or even months ahead (spices) and some will be used just another day or two, i.e. chips and salsa. As I see it, the additional usage gives the products an added value.

Take from the pantry list:
Coconut Oil
Olive Oil
Sea Salt
Red pepper flakes
Red Paprika
Chili powder

First, chop finely your onion and green pepper. In your covered skillet, melt 3 tbs of coconut oil and olive oil.
Add the onion and pepper. Cook until both onion and green pepper are transparent. Then add your ground turkey. Stir breaking up any chunks of ground turkey meat. Then cover and let simmer for 15 min. While the ground meat cooks, prepare to dress up your nachos. You can begin by melting a lot of cheese on top of your large plate of corn chips, either in the microwave or oven. I like to use the oven since that way the chips don't get mushy or chewy. Which, sometimes happens during microwave cooking/heating up. At least in mine which is a few years old.  Check your meat, add 1/2 tsp of sea salt, 1 tsp red pepper flakes and the same of red paprika and chili powder.  I had some onion powder I wanted to use up so that went in to, about 1tsp. Stir and cover turning off the heat.
Grab your chips in the large low lipped bowl with the melted cheese on top. Pour out over the top some of the meat mixture, enough to almost cover all the chips/cheese. Then put a huge dollop of sour cream on top, some additional grated cheese and a sprig of mint. That's it. I put the salsa on the table to use individually.

Ooh la la!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

What Can You Do with A Tomato with So Many Varieties???

The best eating tomato is usually the one you just picked out of the garden. 

According to the "Veggie Gardener" the best is "Brandywine"... go figure. On the Veggie site, you can find a list of the top ten for slicing up and eating on the spot, on a sandwich, a burger or in a salad. http://www.veggiegardener.com/best-tomatoes-for-slicing/

The best tomato for a fresh tomato sauce is the Italian plum tomato. I have used a recipe similar to the one  posted by the Food Network.  I heartily recommend you give it a try because it is simply delicious and all added ingredients you have on the pantry list as posted on the Brainy Gourmet.


10 to 12 fresh plum tomatoes (approximately 2 to 2 1/2 pounds)
4 ounces extra-virgin olive oil, plus additional extra-virgin olive oil, optional
3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
Pinch crushed red pepper
1/2 medium onion, finely chopped
Kosher salt
Freshly chopped parsley leaves


Peel tomatoes by scoring the skin of each tomato with a sharp knife (do not cut too deep). Then, place scored tomatoes into a pot of boiling water and boil for approximately 1 to 1 1/2 minutes. Remove tomatoes and plunge into cold water. Peel and dice tomatoes and set aside.

Heat olive oil in a saucepan. When hot, add garlic and crushed red pepper. Saute until garlic turns slightly golden. Add chopped onion and saute an additional 2 1/2 minutes.

Add chopped plum tomatoes and cook approximately 5 minutes. Add salt to taste. Add chopped parsley and extra virgin olive oil if desired, just before using.

As a child growing up frugal, my mother made Tuscan Tomato Bread Soup. Sounds so 'gourmet' doesn't it. Well, its day old bread, could even be a few days old, a little left over chicken stock with over ripe tomatoes and butter. You start with the tomatoes, simmer or til they have cooked down, add a pinch of salt some dried herb seasoning and lastly stir in your bread . Pour into bowls and top with a generous pat of butter and sprinkle some Parmesan. Delicious! 

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Chicken with Almond Mole and Spanish Rice

For this dish you will need to buy a package of skinless chicken thighs, butter, onion, chicken stock, salsa sauce, garlic powder, red pepper flakes, dark cocoa, dried herbs, almond extract, sugar, coconut oil, olive oil, sea salt, cinnamon and rice. 

Take out a covered skillet. Turn on the flame to medium high and add 4 tbs of coconut oil and the same of olive oil. Add chopped onion to brown. Once browned, push aside and lay in the chicken thighs. Next, sprinkle in seasonings to taste - sea salt, red pepper flakes, garlic powder and dried herb seasonings: a mix blend of rosemary, mint and oregano.

Let this sizzle away browning the chicken. Turn the flame to med/low, splash in some chicken stock and cook the chicken until it is finished... completely cooked through.

In a separate smaller skillet you will make the mole sauce. Add 2 tbs of butter and 2 tbs of olive oil. Stir this on a low flame. Add half a tsp of cinnamon, cocoa and the same of almond extract. Keep stirring, add 2 tbs of sugar or less if you need to cut back on your sugar intake; keep in mind that the cocoa and cinnamon tend to be bitter so the sugar acts as a counter to balance flavor.

Start a small stock pot of water and chicken stock to cook the rice. Add a pinch of salt. Once it boils, add the rice, keep stirring and keep stirring your mole sauce.

After about 10-12 min. Check the rice for tenderness and be ready to drain. Return the rice to the pot it was cooked in and add a pat of butter along with about 1/2 cup of any Salsa sauce. Cover and let sit while you get ready to serve... a few slices of fresh juicy lime on the table is a nice touch.

~ Tutti a Tavola!

For Weight Loss - Meat and Potatoes???

If you can't afford to buy those expensive frozen 'diet' dinners, don't give up on your diet and don't panic. To lose weight, eat Meat and Potatoes -really ??? 

 "Many people still think that because potatoes have a high glycemic index they will induce cravings and weight gain, but research shows this isn’t the case," says Joy Dubost, PhD, RD, spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. In fact, potatoes ranked number one on the famous satiety index, which was published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 1995. During the low-carb years, they fell out of favor, but lately there’s been a renewed interest in studying their effect on diet and weight loss. After all, even though a potato is carb-heavy, it is a vegetable—one medium spud contains 168 calories with 5 grams of protein and 3 grams of fiber. Some experts argue that they are particularly satisfying because of they contain resistant starch—complex starch molecules that we can’t digest."

People in Poland eat meat and potatoes everyday and Poles do not have a national problem with obesity. When I was first back in the US, I told Americans  this and they did not believe me. They still thought that in order to lose weight they had to eat raw veggies and drink smoothies. Wrong.

Now, I am not advocating a diet of just meat and potatoes, there are other simple foods you can add to a 'meat and potato' diet that will give you additional nutrition and fiber. For instance, pears, raspberries, eggs avocados, (.79cents at AlDI) leeks, fish and broth based soup- this is something I have posted over and over as a means to be frugal and now as a way to lose weight.  A bowl of hot oatmeal is also extra 'very' good for you. "When your mom told you to eat your oats, she was right. Just make sure they’re cooked. One recent study published in Nutrition Journal found that calorie-for-calorie, oatmeal cooked with nonfat milk was more satisfying than oat-based cold cereal with nonfat milk. Participants who ate about 220 calories of the hot kind for breakfast reported less hunger and increased fullness compared to the cereal eaters—possibly because satiety is enhanced by the higher viscosity of the beta-glucan in the cooked oatmeal. Another new study suggests that its resistant starch may boost beneficial gut bacteria, which—according to mounting evidence—keep the good mood brain chemicals flowing." I have made this a practice of mine.

Monday, December 8, 2014

MidWest Meatloaf Monday

Price per serving for two: $3.27

What's so brainy about meatloaf? Firstly, its deliciously simple. Secondly, it does not have to be complicated, in that you only need good seasoning and the third secret... never use ground beef. Though, ground veal can be used instead of the pork.
You will need to buy  1 pound of ground turkey. I buy ground turkey for 3.69 per pound.  I had half a pound of ground pork 1.50 and just under a half of mild breakfast sausage @1.35 worth.  I mix these ground meats with one egg and 3/4 cup of plain bread crumbs and seasonings to taste. I always say when you can smell the herbs after they have been blended in, its a good mix.

Take from the pantry list:
Plain bread crumbs
Sea Salt
Garlic Powder
Onion Powder
Black Pepper
Red Pepper Flakes
Dried Herb seasonings
*rosemary, mint and oregano

Heat your oven to F375. Once hot, take your meat mixture and form into a football. Place in an glass dish with olive oil drizzles on the bottom. Place in the oven, cook for about 35  min. or until the juices run dark pink/tan. 

Prepare Potatoes, you can boil, or microwave. Once tender, drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle dried herb seasoning and Parmesan.

As a side, you can add squash or some light greens with fruit.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Salmon in Creamy Butter Sauce with Fettuccine Alfredo and 3 Cheese Filled Roasted Poblano

When is its Friday, I like to make something really special for my sweetie. 

Price per serving for two: $4.42

You need to buy: A package of wild caught salmon.  I bought a bag with six pieces at ALDI for $3.99.  I also bought a box of tomato pink Fettuccine noodle nests $.189 and one poblano green pepper .79 cents.
You will also need to buy a small package of chunk cheddar cheese. Today, I searched the discounted bin at my local grocer and found just what I was looking for - expiration date next Tuesday. Now, don't forget, we are talking cheese, aged cheese, a food product made from mold. It can only get better. If you ever have a piece of cheese at home that has a bit of mold on the outside, cut it off. You know penicillin came from such things. The nice chunk of white cheddar I bought at the discounted cost of $2.50 (.99 of this chunk will be counted in this dish). This same piece of cheese yesterday on the shelf would have cost $5.50. I won't need much and so this chunk of cheese will be used throughout the week. I also bought one small fresh lemon for .49 cents and one parsnip for .69 cents.

Take from the pantry list:
Coconut Oil
Olive Oil
Sea Salt
Garlic Powder
Onion Powder
Parmesan Cheese
Heavy Cream- fridge
Mozarella Cheese -fridge
Cheddar Cheese- fridge
Dried Herb Seasoning
Red Pepper Flakes

Take from your cupboard, one large skillet with cover and one large stock pot to boil water for the Fettuccine nests. Get the water going first, add a pinch of sea salt. In the skillet, melt 3 tbs of coconut oil and the same of olive oil. In this, I quickly cook my scalloped sliced parsnips. When tender, I set aside and redress the skillet in the same manner. Before you drop in the salmon, add all seasonings to taste, except cheeses as they are not seasoning nor is the heavy cream. Once the oils start to pop or spit, lay in the salmon and cover, the flame should be turned to med. Heat your oven to F400. Slice the poblano pepper in half and remove all seeds. Over a high flame, roast the pepper till darkened. Take a glass dish and drizzle in some olive oil. Place the poblano in the dish and grate your cheeses in, as much as you like.
Return to the fish which should be ready to turn over. The water is likely boiling by now so you can add the nests, as many as you need. If the oven is up to full heat, slide in the cheese ladled open faced pepper.
Back to the fish, you can now add 1 cup of heavy cream, 3 tbs of butter and cover again turning the flame to low.  Reach over and stir your noodles. Look in on the pepper as you prepare to set the table. Wash and slice your lemon, put half into a small bowl for the table. Drain the noodles when they are al dente and turn off the flame on the salmon-fish. Take the poblano cheese filled pepper from the oven (all bubbly and brown). After I drain the noodles, I grab a large white low lipped serving dish and drizzle in some olive oil. I pour the noodles in and place on top a few long scallops of butter, top with fresh grated Parmesan. I set the salmon onto a large serving platter and pour some of the lovely white sauce onto the fish and some onto the pasta. I place the poblano along side the salmon, squeeze a bit of lemon juice and serve. In a small dish, I put the sauteed parsnip. With this dish, I recommend a Sauvignon  Blanc.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Meatball Sandwich like Mama's

Price per serving for two: $1.87

This dish is a left over opportunity. So, if you did not eat all the meatballs from Tuesday's dinner, then here is your chance to reinvent.  You only need to buy: your favorite sub rolls at your local grocer. I got a bag of six for $1.99. You will need to buy a small package of mozzarella cheese. From time to time, I stop by the open refrigerated section to check out the deals. Today, I found a small package of milky white buffalo mozzarella for $1.75. This was not on sale; it was discounted because of the near expiration date. Does that mean it was spoiled or moldy. No, not at all. It only means that manufacturers and stores are regulated to provide an expiration date. The product is quite often still good. Does that mean that every discounted product I buy at the store is going to be good. No. Nor does it mean that any product you buy at a store will be good, whether discounted, or on sale or being sold at regular price. Be a wise shopper like I am which means that you must always look over the package before you buy. Check for damage, for signs of decay... smell it, touch it, and I don't mean maul it. You can gently touch a product to determine if it is still good, even in the package and I am not advocating to unwrap any product in the store. Because, if you do, you bought it.

Take from the pantry list:
1 Can tomato paste
4 cloves of fresh garlic
Dried rosemary
Olive Oil
Sea salt

In a skillet, pour in 3 tbs of olive oil and add your left over meatballs; probably still with some spaghetti sauce on them and that's ok. Turn on the flame to low. Take a small can of tomato past from the pantry, open and add. Using that can, fill with water and add that much to the skillet. Let this all cook in the skillet, covered. Turn on the oven to F350 to heat up. Slice your sub rolls in half (top/bottom), butter generously on both sides of the opened rolls and lay over the top diced garlic. Now, lay on top slices of mozzarella cheese, sprinkle a bit of sea salt and rosemary. When the oven temp is right, put the rolls in and toast.
When the rolls are ready, the meatballs should be already bubbly and it is time to serve. Enjoy!

Fewer Greens and Better Digestion

Some of my blog readers ask me why is that I have so few greens. Here is the answer.

Got digestive problems? Take it easy on the veggies.

A couple weeks ago Chris Kresser wrote an article called FODMAPS: Could Common Foods be Harming Your Digestive Health? He described how certain classes of foods, known as FODMAPs, are poorly digested in certain people and can lead to gas, bloating, pain and changes in stool frequency and consistency. Studies have shown that conditions like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) are associated with FODMAP intolerance, and that a low-FODMAP diet offers relief in a substantial percentage of people with IBS.
Today I’ve got another tip for those of you with digestive issues, including IBS, constipation, diarrhea and acid reflux: eat fewer vegetables.
Vegetables (as well as some fruits) are often high in insoluble fiber. While soluble fiber can be soothing for the gut, consuming large amounts of insoluble fiber when your gut is inflamed is a little bit like rubbing a wire brush against an open wound. Ouch.
Vegetables that are high in insoluble fiber include:
  • Greens (spinach, lettuce, kale, mesclun, collards, arugula, watercress, etc.)
  • Whole peas, snow peas, snap peas, pea pods
  • Green beans
  • Kernel corn
  • Bell peppers
  • Eggplant
  • Celery
  • Onions, shallots, leeks, scallions, garlic
  • Cabbage, bok choy, Brussels sprouts
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
The vegetables that are high in soluble fiber, but lower in insoluble fiber (and thus tend to be safer for those with gut issues) include:
 The above veggies are: carrots and parsnips.
  • Carrots
  • Winter squash
  • Summer squash (especially peeled)
  • Starchy tubers (yams, sweet potatoes, potatoes)
  • Turnips
  • Rutabagas
  • Parsnips
  • Beets
  • Plantains
  • Taro
That is why in most of my dishes/meals, you will see more of the soluble fiber veggies. I have a problem with IBS and cutting out most of the greens has helped me a lot.  The fact is, yellow vegetables provide more health benefits than green.Spaghetti squash provides vitamin A and fiber, while yellow bell peppers contain vitamin C. The Harvard School of Public Health notes that corn and yellow summer squash hold lutein and zeaxanthin, which are pigments that fight free radicals that can damage your eyes.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Simple Pork Loin Steak with Onion filled Pierogi

Price per serving for two: $3.28

You will need to buy pork loin center cut, no bone. About an inch cut makes a nice thick steak. I found a pair at the local grocer for $3.77 and a box of frozen pierogi with onion for$ 2.79, leave them out to thaw.

Take from the pantry list:
Coconut Oil
Olive Oil
Sea Salt
Garlic Powder
Onion Powder
Red Pepper flakes
Ground Black Pepper
Dried Herb Seasoning
*rosemary, mint and oregano

In a skillet, melt 3 tbs of coconut oil and the same of olive oil. Season your pork loin steaks using the above seasonings to taste. I like flavor as does my husband so aside of the salt and peppers, I can be quite generous. I understand that some of you may not like strong flavor and or are abiding by doctor's orders.

Once the oils are hot, lay in your steaks and let the sizzling begin. Cover after 2 min, letting the steaks cook on a med flame while you take a med.sized
stock pot and fill with water to boil the pierogi in. Salt the water.  Once the water boils, add the pierogi and stir. Now, give your attention back to the steaks. Uncover and turn over, then cover again. Stir the pierogi. In these next few minutes, set the table. If you like, you can put out homemade applesauce or cut some fresh and place on a few leaves of your favorite greens.  About 12 min. should have passed and all will be quite ready to serve. Turn off the flame under both the steaks and pierogi. Drain the pierogi and ladle into a large serving dish, add a few pats of butter. Take another serving dish/platter for the steaks. Place them on the platter and pour out any remaining juices over the top of the steaks.

*This plate could easily satisfy my husband. If the kids were still at home, I would be able to cut my portion of the same size in three.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Frugality not in Fashion, Really?

Frugality is not part of our 'American' popular culture. Why would it be when on every other intersection a new big box store is being built. We are saturated with things and in this observation, it would seem we have more than we need. In that case, why should anyone be concerned about being frugal. Firstly, what does it mean to be frugal? 
Frugality refers to finding the best value for your dollar in the overall context of your life.  That would seem like common sense. However, many of us, especially young people and older too have no idea how what is the best value for their money. They think it means getting something on sale or taking advantage of black Friday specials. Yes and No. What they don't realize is that just because you get something on sale does not mean it will last or have the ability to be passed along, or morph into something else or used in another way in order that the value grows or is at least sustained. Many products have a short shelf life and many including clothing have a short fashion life. A Hollister t-shirt today may be all the rage, but then again, that trend may already be over. See what I mean. The same can be said about food. We buy things on sale, we buy in bulk and praise ourselves for such activity; regardless, of the fact that we bought too much, bought something we thought we would like but don't. Ethics of frugality or simplicity have long been part of the economic norm of most American households, at least while I was growing up. The sociologist, Max Weber noted that frugality combined with the values of industry, equity, generosity, and solidarity formed the core of the Protestant ethic and went on to describe it as worldly asceticism. But within the current Western culture of progressive plenty, frugality has been portrayed as “unfashionable, unpalatable, and even unpatriotic” According to an article put out by, The Wall Street Journal, titled: Basic Costs Squeeze Families, getting more know how about being frugal should be on everyone to do list. That is why, this blog and upcoming website is going to re-educate the American household on frugality, subscribe today so you don't miss a thing. 

read: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/basic-costs-squeeze-families-002900254.html

Monday, December 1, 2014

Spices are Expensive!

I read today in a food magazine that spices are not expensive. I thought, 'really'. For anyone on a gourmet cooking budget like I am, spices are expensive. 
I have always read that saffron, cardamon, vanilla and cinnamon were the most expensive.  And, they still are. "It is said that in ancient and medieval times saffron was worth its weight of gold. Even in today’s time saffron remains much expensive and easily earns the tag of world’s most expensive spice. A pound of fine quality saffron may cost up to US$5,000 in international market."
Not only are those four spices mentioned above expensive but so are a lot of other spices that 'gourmet' recipes call for including black pepper, or turmeric.
"Turmeric is the last one in the list with a price tag of $3 per pound. Native to South Asia, this widely used spice is the rhizome or the root of plant. It has a deep yellow color and an earthy, bitter taste. It is mostly used as a flavoring and coloring agent in Indian, Thai and Persian dishes. Turmeric is also known for its medicinal properties and cosmetic uses. Black pepper was highly prized in ancient world before the discovery of chili pepper. It is the most traded and most used spice in the world. Known for its intense spiciness, this item is priced at $3 per pound in the market. It is the preciousness of pepper which led Vascodegama in his quest to find a sea route to India." 

Take a look at my pantry list. What do you see? Basics, with these exceptions: cinnamon and ginger and coriander! And the most often used are my prized home grown / dried herbs - rosemary, mint and oregano. The others, I buy and use sparingly; especially the coriander.  Even for my homemade pumpkin pie, I used what I had and keep in my pantry. I am not one for going out and buying one kind of spice for just one recipe. I highly recommend those basics as they can be used for both cooking and baking.  If I find that a recipe must have a certain spice, then I buy only the smallest amount. The brainy gourmet is one who makes the most from basics and or who makes a little go as far as possible. 

Left Overs, we all have them!

Hi there
Hope you had a blessed thanksgiving. Now, if you were like me, you overcooked and though having sent home a plate with family members, you still have plenty of left overs. The first thing way you can do to use left overs is for breakfast. Since I did a beef tenderloin besides turkey, there is nothing better than 'steak and eggs' for breakfast. Not much to write about in terms of preparation other than heat up your left over beef. I like to gently cook (which means not for long) the tenderloin in butter in the same skillet I will cook the eggs in, this gives the eggs a delicious flavor.
Overeating is never a good thing and I try not to do that. I usually try to fast one to two days before Thanksgiving and I definitely do the day after. In fact, it has become a tradition for my husband and I to fast the day after Thanksgiving; but only up until in the evening. Then we just have a simple meal and I let him cook something that he likes to make which is usually mac and cheese. Since it is his recipe from his bachelor days, he will have to blog it sometime. Because, I am not a huge fan of mac and cheese, not that my sweetie's isn't tasty, it is, I usually just eat a small amount of fruit with some sliced cheese and dried salami, a kind of antipasto plate. By the next day, I am ready for left overs which taste even better than day one. Preparation is simple as you just dish out the leftovers on a plate and microwave. Hey, its thanksgiving again, Yum!

Today, the left overs are nearly gone. A tomato soup on the left over turkey carcass and or legs/wings is very good. You just put in a pot, cover with water and simmer for 2 hrs. Remove all turkey parts you started with and set aside for anyone who wants to nibble. Add a can of tomato past and a small can of diced tomatoes, or fresh frozen if you have. To this, I add only dried herb seasonings from the pantry list. Let the tomato soup simmer for another hour. When it is time to eat, cook some rice. Do not put the rice into the soup, remember a good 'brainy' cook never mixes the base/stock with anything. Leave it pure so you can change the soup from day to day or make a spaghetti sauce as this is a tomato
base. I serve the hot tomato soup over rice put into individual bowls. You can grate some Parmesan cheese and we love to add sour cream topping with a sprig of fresh parsley. The second course is whatever you have left over.