a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Monday, August 28, 2023

Brainy Chicken Vesuvio... its Delicious!


Someone asked me what Italian dish do I like to order out. I said that I like to order Chicken Vesuvio out but whether I am eating it out or eating it at home, I enjoy it completely!

And, if there ever was true expression of an Italian dish created in America, it would be this dish. In fact, this version of Chicken Vesuvio hails from Chicago.

In preparation you will need: chicken thighs (as many per person... picked up six at Aldi for less than 4$) with the skin on and bone in, potatoes, onion, bacon (optional), peas and onion. To begin, saute the onion along with the bacon until browned and crispy. Remove from the skillet, saving the bacon grease and set aside. Add some olive oil to the skillet and fry the chicken thighs skin side down and then the other side.

Remove the thighs and keep in 375 degree oven while you saute the potatoes (washed and diced) in the same skillet; adding, 2 tbs of butter.  Next, toss in the peas (frozen or fresh) along with a dash of salt, black or white pepper, garlic powder and dried herbs of your choice.

 Bring back the onion and bacon...

Bring the chicken back into the mix along with 1 cup of beef stock and 1/2 cup of beer...let simmer!

Serve with a good Chianti...

~ Tutti a Tavola!

*This dish can be prepared in the oven as well!!! Basically, combine ingredients and bake/roast in the oven.

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Italian American Chicken Riggi... Brainy Gourmet Style!

Chicken Riggi... what's that? Chicken riggies or Utica Riggies is an Italian American pasta dish which came into existence somewhere in the Utica-Rome area of New York State. There are plenty of varieties out there and that's good. 

Every cook has to be brainy in their own way. Some versions this dish add hot and or sweet peppers to the spicy creamy and tomato sauce which is poured over ... Rigatoni, of course!

You will need for this dish: chicken breasts (1 per guest), 1-2 pkgs. of Rigatoni or Penne (dependent on number of guests), one whole onion, one or two good size sweet red peppers along with heavy cream, butter, chicken stock and Italian herbs. 

To begin, chop one whole onion along with the red pepper and saute gently in olive oil in a large deep skillet. Cut the chicken breasts into chunks and add to the onion/pepper mix. Once the chicken meat is white, add 4 tbs of butter, 1 cup of heavy cream and 1/4 cup of stock. Toss in a hefty dash of dried Italian herbs and let simmer while you boil the pasta.

~ Tutti a Tavola!

Sunday, August 13, 2023

End of Summer 'Brainy' Pork Loin with Blackened Veggies...



The title or name of this dish says it all!

Basically, all you need to whip this up in about 45 min is a 1 lb boneless pork loin, beef stock, a few dried plums, mushrooms, one onion, one carrot, one parsnip, and fresh string beans

To begin: open the pork loin (cut down the middle and gently spread open) to lay out flat until you have a fillet (do not pound). Season with Himalayan sea salt, garlic powder and dried herbs. Sear the loin on all sides in a skillet of olive oil. Once you have done that, remove the seared loin and set it aside to rest.

Next, chop one onion and half pound of mushrooms. In another skillet brown the onions/mushrooms in olive oil and a dollop of butter. Once browned, remove from the heat.

Turn your attention back to the loin, add the mushrooms and lay in as many sun dried plums as you can fit. Top with a 3/4 cup of beef stock and let simmer while you prepare the root veggies and fresh green string beans.

Wash the beans and cut off stem tops if needed. Peel the carrot and parsnip, then julienne slice.  Using the onion/mushroom skillet, add olive oil, 2 dollops (tbs) of cold pressed coconut oil and a sprinkle of sea salt. Stir fry the veggies until just tender and slightly blackened. As the pork is nearly finished, get ready to serve on a low lipped plate, pouring out the rich liquid with mushrooms and plums.

~ Tutti a Tavola!

Monday, August 7, 2023

Brainy Chicken in Fresh Tomato Sauce with Pappardelle Pasta...


Tomatoes originate from South America... that's right. 

The wild species originated in the Andes Mountains of South America, probably mainly in Peru and Ecuador, and is thought to have been domesticated in pre-Columbian Mexico; its name is derived from the Náhuatl (Aztec) word tomatl. 

For this delicious tomato dish you will need: skinless/boneless chicken thighs (as per guest), pappardelle (wide egg noodle) pasta, and home jarred 'virgin' tomatoes (fresh picked). 

If not, I highly recommend using the brand 'Red Gold' whole or crushed tomatoes. Also, you will need one whole onion, fresh garlic and dried herbs: rosemary, oregano, basil and some mint. 

To begin, saute chopped onion in a covered skillet along with crushed garlic in olive oil. Next, add the chicken thighs to brown on both sides. Once, browned, dump in one large jar/can of whole tomatoes and toss in fresh dried herbs. Let this simmer while you prepare the pasta. 

Once the pasta is tender, drain and ladle into a deep serving plate and top with the chicken in sauce. Toss over the top grated mozzarella cheese and serve with grated Parmesan cheese. Its really the simplicity and fresh garden tomatoes that provide all the flavor you have ever dreamed of eating.

 ~ Tutti a Tavola!

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

All Brainy Dishes with Zucchini...


Just go to the Brainy Gourmet Blog, in the upper left margin, type in the search box... Zucchini. 

~ Tutti a Tavola!