a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Brainy Fall Harvest Beef Burgundy...

"Beef Burgundy", is a beef stew braised in red wine, often red Burgundy, along with beef stock, generally flavored with carrots, onions, garlic, pearl onions, and mushrooms. Its a traditional countryside but elegant French dish.

The simplest recipe if you need one... is this famous Julia Child recipe. She called it the best beef dish ever concocted by man. And, it just so happens to be the one I use to cook up this delicious beef dish. 

3/4 lb boneless beef sirloin cut into 1 1/2-inch cubes ( a cheaper cut try chuck roast)
1/4 teaspoon salt 
1/4 teaspoon pepper 
2 tablespoons olive oil 
1 cup sliced mushrooms 

You can cook the beef and mushrooms in a skillet on the stove while you roast in a glass dish in the oven some garden fresh carrots, asparagus and tiny new potatoes.  

Sear the beef cubes in olive oil, add the salt and pepper and dried herbs of your liking... I recommend rosemary, mint, oregano and thyme. Add to that, 1/3 cup of beef stock and 1/4 cup of red wine. You may wish to add a little more of either stock or wine depending on your preferences.  

Personally, I like to cook the mushrooms off side in another skillet in butter and cream with a dash of red wine and dried herbs; same as above. Lastly, adding them to the beef just before serving.  

~ Tutti a Tavola!

*For desert... a crepe Suzette is the perfect end to a delicious meal. If you want to be Brainy frugal about it you can use leftover pancakes fried in butter with splash of brandy. Serve on a plate with heavy cream and homemade raspberry jam or halved ripe red plums or cherries. 


Friday, October 28, 2022

Brainy Morrocan Chicken Stew ...


Stews... you can find them just about anywhere and make them in just about any cookware; even a skillet!

As you might well know, the main Moroccan dish most people are familiar with is couscous; beef is the most commonly eaten red meat in Morocco. Chicken is also stewed or roasted.

For this dish, you will need skinless, boneless chicken breasts, one onion, one green pepper and red grape 'cherry' tomatoes, buttermilk and peanut butter.

Begin this dish by sauteing the onion, green pepper and tomatoes on med. heat in coconut oil, adding some red pepper flakes, garlic powder, ginger, paprika and cumin as well as either white or black pepper to taste. Most Moroccan recipes make use of a lot of ginger, cumin, and turmeric.

Set aside the onion, pepper and tomatoes, and brown the chicken breast meat cut into chunks in the same skillet adding a drizzle of olive oil. Then return the veggies to the same skillet.

To this, add about 1/4 cup of whole 'fat rich' buttermilk and 1/4 cup of heavy cream along with 1 tbs of creamy salted butter and the same amount of peanut butter. Stir and let simmer on low heat while you prepare a side of couscous or mashed potatoes. Once the couscous is ready and or when the potatoes are tender, drain and mash with butter and sour cream until thick and smooth. Ladle onto a low lipped plate, pour the chicken stew over the top and serve.

~ Tutti a Tavola

Monday, October 17, 2022

Brainy Pierogi served with Pork and Asparagus...


Pierogi are filled dumplings of Central European origin. They are made by wrapping unleavened dough around a savory or sweet filling and cooking in boiling water, or pan-frying. This pierogi version is pan fried in the same skillet as the pork cutlets.

For this dish you will need: pork cutlets (as many per person), deli fresh or homemade potato filled pierogi (3-4 per person), and fresh green asparagus. The best thing about this dish is that it can be done in the same skillet including the asparagus.

To begin, fry the cutlets in olive oil and seasoning. Once browned, the meat just turning white, add 1/4 cup of beef stock. Toss in the thin green asparagus tips, first to blanch with the cutlets (covered) and then to sear brown as a finish uncovered.

Next, remove the cutlets and asparagus to add the pierogi along with a bit more olive oil and a shake of paprika... fry on high heat for about 3 minutes. Lastly, add another 1/4 cup of beef stock, cover to simmer no more than 4 and a half minutes.

~ Tutti a Tavola!



*Check out other pierogi dishes... type in 'pierogi' in the search box in the upper left corner of this blog... smacznego!

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Brainy Shrimp or Chicken Jambalam!


Whatever you call it, I know its just calling me home....

You will need:1 pound of Sweet Italian Sausage, chicken breasts cut into chunks (optional) and about one pound (depending on number of guests) of frozen shrimp (thawed/tail removed prior to cooking), onion, rice and hot sauce.

To begin, chop one onion and saute in olive oil until browned. Push aside in the skillet and drop the sausage (casing removed) as small bit sizes into the skillet to brown. Next, bring the onion back in over onto the sausage and add your spices: chili powder, coriander, red pepper flakes, black pepper, garlic powder and salt. Add about 1/4 cup of beef stock, stir and cover to let simmer on low.

Prepare to cook the rice. Boil water about 2 and 1/2 cup with a pinch of salt, pour in 1 and 1/2 cup of long grain rice. If you are having more than 4 guests, double this.

When the rice is done, drain and pour out onto a serving plate. Then pour out the sausage and shrimp in sauce (any remaining juices) from the skillet on top of the rice.

Get out your favorite hot sauces and beverage - and whew wee!

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Brainy Chicken or Pork Peanut Stew with Wild Rice...


Simply, African delight ~ exotic food served at home never tasted so good...

Being a Brainy Gourmet means thinking on your feet ~ fast and frugal. You as a home chef should know what you like and don't like; sweet/savory, herbs and spices. You should know which of the five senses works best for you when you cook . For me its smell. Seriously, when I cook, I take a deep breath and I know what I have to do to make it good.

For this dish, you can use either chicken or pork (white meat) in stew size chunks. To begin, start a sauce pan with 2 cups of water to boil 1 cup of wild rice. Then saute one onion in olive oil. When browned on the edges, add 3 tbs of butter.

Next add the pork (or chicken) and let sizzle slowly until the meat turns from pink to white. Pour in 2/3 - 1/2 cup of peanut butter depending on your love for peanut butter (the oily self stir brand). Obviously, if you or a loved one are allergic to peanuts, then find a comparable nut substitute.

Lastly, add dried herbs: rosemary, mint and oregano along with 2-3 tbs of red pesto, 3-4 tbs of soy sauce and 1/4 cup of heavy cream.  As it thickens, you may add water but slowly for the preferred consistency. You can also prepare a side of green beans, adding color.

When the rice is tender, drain and ladle onto a serving plate. Pour over the pork and sauce, lay on the green beans and serve.

Peanut stew or groundnut stew, also called as maafe, sauce d'arachide, tigadèguèna or domoda, is a stew that is a staple food in Western Africa. It originates from the Mandinka and Bambara people of Mali. African rice is a tall rice plant, and has small, pear-shaped grain, reddish bran and green to black hulls...

 ~ Tutti a Tavola!