a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Brainy Asian Style Garlic Ginger Chicken...

Sweet, spicy and even savory... a Brainy Asian eating adventure!

For this dish you will need: as many boneless, skinless chicken thighs as you will serve per person. Add to that, one purple onion, garlic and ginger paste, and any pasta or rice noodles. And, don't forget the sweet, spicy and savory in the mix of things. You can use an Asian sweet and spicy sauce from a bottle or jar along with your own dried herbs, especially the use of mint and rosemary.

To begin, chop one large purple onion to saute in olive oil (or coconut oil) adding to that 1 tsp of garlic and the same of ginger paste. Of course, you can use more... up to 1 tbs of each. Once the onion is browned as well as the ginger and garlic paste, push aside and add the chicken to brown on both sides.
Next, add chicken stock... about 1/4 of a cup. Cover and let simmer on medium heat for about 8 min. Then add half a bottle of your favorite Asian sauce and let it bubble up over the chicken on high heat for 5-6 min. Reduce the heat to low simmer and prepare the pasta or rice noodles.

Serve with lemon and soy sauce; not much left when its that good...

~ Tutti a Tavola!

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