a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Monday, December 3, 2018

Be a Brainy Gourmet Chef at Home...

The Brainy Gourmet has been saying and applying for years what Chef José Andres has always said... "What could you do when life takes an unexpected turn? Friends, my advice: Don't follow a recipe!"

"When we go by the book, we lose our ability to adapt, to be creative. Sometimes you will find yourself without an ingredient or two. It will seem like everything is going wrong. If things don't go as expected, make the unexpected work in your favor.  Change the name of the dish." ~ JoseAndres

Don't follow a recipe. That is still the best advice; unless, you are a beginner. The Brainy Gourmet has always advocated being your own gourmet chef starting by understanding your own taste buds. That understanding comes from utilizing your senses: sight, smell, touch, taste and even hearing.

How can hearing help you cook? Well, first off... the sound of food prior to cooking is very important. You should listen for snap, crackles and pops. While you cook, you should listen for percolating, bubbling, sizzling and swishing.

These sounds will tell you a lot about what is happening to your food as you cook it and aid in adjusting temperature as well as timing. Also, paying attention to those sounds can help you avoid burning food as it cooks as well as aid you in achieving the right texture, smell and ultimately the right taste...

*Source ~ https://www.foodnetwork.com/fn-dish/news/2014/05/life-advice-from-a-chef-dont-follow-a-recipe

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