a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Monday, August 20, 2018

Its That Blueberry Time of Year....

Depending on your location/region, blueberry picking is either over or midway through. So, you may either be picking or freezing them or picking some at your local grocer/farmer's market.

In that case, who can't help but think blueberry muffins or pancakes, right?  The flavor is amazing and you know too that blueberries are good for you in many ways.

Long before Fats Domino was crooning about "Blueberry Hill," Native Americans used the potent fruit to treat coughs. These tiny little gems do indeed pack a potent punch. They rank the highest of any fruit for antioxidants (those free-radical-fighting powerhouses), and one cup delivers 14% of the recommended daily dose of fiber and nearly a quarter of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C.

For today, try baking some blueberry muffins for when the kids come home from school. What a nice way to say welcome home and back to school. Put one in their lunch!  Even if you are not a baker, just be brainy and make em blueberry pancakes to start their day... and or first day back!

The Brainy Gourmet and the Brainy Baker recommend this mix while using fresh clean juicy blueberries and farm fresh eggs.

*Source ~ https://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/features/blueberries-nutritious-things-come-in-small-packages_

*And, special thanks to the Brainy Baker for sharing her ideas - look forward to hearing more from her on this blog.

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