a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Monday, March 26, 2018

Happy Easter ~ Be Blessed!

   An Easter table to remember....

Easter is one of the most important holidays for Christians because it is the celebration of the resurrection of Christ. The week prior to Easter, beginning with Palm Sunday, is referred to as Holy Week. 

Traditionally, this is a period of many symbolical celebrations, including the preparation of long tables in churches that represent the table there Jesus held his last supper with his twelve disciples. There is also the procession of Good Friday, during which people try to recreate the Christ’s long walk towards the cross.
The importance of Easter in Italian culture is reflected in the country’s food traditions. During Easter lunch in Italy, lamb and eggs are always served. They appear either as part of the meal itself, or as sweets in the shape of these symbols of life and rebirth (in the case of eggs) and of sacrifice of the son of God for humanity (in the case of the lamb.)   

My 'German' grandmother (married to my Italian grandfather) always baked a chiffon type Easter cake in the shape of a lamb and it was placed where everyone could see it... until it was time to serve.
What is interesting is that here in the United States, Easter is a one day celebration.  However, in Italy, the holiday extends over the course of a couple of days. To celebrate, sweet treats like egg stuffed Easter breads; i.e. Pane di Pasqua con l' ouva which is Easter bread with an egg.

I like the idea of the longer celebration... people don't do that enough; so, why not make the celebration last! Spread it out through the week and let it become a brainy tradition.

*Sources ~  http://www.academiabarilla.com/italian-recipes/easter-delights/default.aspx

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