a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Roasted Pork Shoulder with Mashed Potatoes ~ American vs. Italian Style....

More winter time comfort food...

Roasted pork shoulder with mashed potatoes... the American version vs. Italian!

There is not a huge difference between the two versions. One version is served with gravy and a side of green beans and the other with red pesto and grated parmesean along with roasted celery root and Brussel sprouts. Its not that Brussel sprouts are more Italian than green beans, it just turns out that I like them more than other family members.

Let's get started. You will need: one medium size pork shoulder, yellow gold potatoes (two small per person), a vegetable side, celery root, red pesto and grate parmesan.  Season the pork butt at least 2 hrs prior to roasting. Use a combination of dried herbs: rosemary, mint, oregano, and sage, one clove of diced garlic (or garlic powder), coriander, black pepper, red pepper flakes, and sea salt. In a glass baking dish, drizzle the pork with olive oil, rub in the seasoning.

Roast in the oven, first on 400f until it starts to spit (15 min), then turn down the temp to 350 and roast for about 2 hrs. For the last hour, turn the oven to 325 and toss in some peel and cubed celery root. Pour in 1/4 cup of chicken stock, cover and finish off the last hour. In the meantime, prepare mashed potatoes and a green vegetable side.

When serving, top the mashed potatoes with either gravy (made from drippings of the roast) or with red pesto and grated Parmesan. One can even mash the celery root into the mashed potatoes and or serve separate.

 * Tutti a Tavola!

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