a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Potato Pierogi with Lean Iowa Cut Pork chops...

Its not yet Spring, so meat and potatoes... easy, filling and satisfying!

In my travels, (*see youtube ~ 'travel abroad'), you hear me describe frugality and how I learned what that means to different people while living and cooking abroad. Pierogi, i.e. are  frugal; because, they are a simple food, easy to prepare, they fill you up, satisfying your hunger, giving you plenty of energy to run on. Along with a few pierogi on your plate, a pork cutlet and side of apple/cabbage salad...

Here in the Midwest, we too have our frugal specialties and Iowa is known for its pork. Idaho potatoes and Wisconsin dairy. Those three basic: meat, potatoes and milk or cream can make a meal in a pinch that will feed your family.

For this dish you will need: one package (12 potato pierogi), a package (6 per) of Iowa cut pork chops with bone in but doesn't have to be. If you buy bone in, you will find the price per package to be lower than boneless... so if you don't want to pay more for the same quality of meat then buy bone in and cut it out yourself.

If you want another vegetable side, you can buy a jar of apple/cabbage salad (very Polish) and or cook your favorite veggie. Applesauce is also a great compliment to this meal; homemade is always best.

Flash fry the chops in a skillet with a drizzle of olive oil and seasonings: sea salt, garlic powder, red pepper flakes and dried herbs. Reduce the heat in the skillet while you boil the pierogi in salted water until they roll  up to the top of the pot. Once the pieorgi pop to the top of the rolling boil, ladle them out and set aside for a second or two.

Remove the chops from the skillet placing them onto a serving plate and quick fry the pieorgi in the same skillet allowing them to absorb all the meat juice flavors. Place them on the same large plate as the chops, garnish and serve with sour cream and apple/cabbage salad.

~ Tutti a Tavola!

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