a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Friday, September 29, 2017

Ahh...Toscana ~ Skillet Veal Parmesan!

Veal Parmesan is simple and brainy good. You will need to buy or check the pantry for: balsamic vinegar, dried herbs, bread crumbs and grated parmesan cheese. And, in the fridge: veal cutlets, heavy cream, a fresh tomato and at least one small fresh green young zucchini.

Begin by sprinkling a dash of balsamic vinegar on each cutlet and then submerse the veal cutlets one by one in bowl of heavy cream; next, lay each onto a plate of dried bread crumbs seasoned with dried herbs: rosemary, mint and oregano.

Prepare a skillet for frying by blending olive oil and melted butter, turn up the heat to high. As the oils in your skillet start to spit, lay in your cutlets and let them sizzle on high heat browning on both sides. When they have... cover and let simmer for 12 min on med-low heat.

While they simmer, dice or slice the zucchini and chop up one tomato adding to the skillet and even a capers if you have/want.  Just push aside some of the cutlets and toss in the veggies. Finish with a final sizzle on med-high heat. Its all so very simple! Top with either fresh grated parmesan or thin slices of parmesan, letting the cheese melt over the top of the cutlets. Serve with pasta or potatoes!

~Tutti a Tavola!

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