a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Being Brainy with Raclette ~ A Visit to the French Swiss Border!

Along the French Swiss border, one can clearly notice the local preference for cooking with Raclette. Though traditionally Swiss, this semi-hard cow's milk cheese is most commonly used for cooking and or melting on both sides of the border and definitely not for slicing .

The smell is pungent, the taste is strong and yet also buttery. It all sounds wildly European. That is why this cheese is great for cooking. Looking into my fridge, there was a small amount left of the Raclette fondue. And, I had left over pasta and cooked chicken breasts as well. On the fresh side, there was a package of crisp green asparagus and some lovely Bavarian mushrooms.

To begin, on med heat I sauteed chopped onion in olive oil and 1 tbs of fresh creamy butter sprinkled with dried herbs. I then pushed the onion aside in the skillet and on high heat seared strips of chicken breasts (skinless/boneless). I reintroduced the onion, reduced the heat and added the left over Raclette along with 1 1/2 cup of heavy cream.

To that... the left over pasta and another tbs of butter then covering to let simmer while I prepared the mushrooms and asparagus... washing and slicing/cutting off ends. A quick stir fry in butter until browning around the edges appeared and then poured in about 2 tbs of chicken stock, turning up the heat to high for 4 min.

 ~ Tutti a Tavola!

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