a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Roasted Italian Chicken with Risotto!

It's Wednesday, and it means Italian night! Not just food, but music also. Being the Brainy Gourmet rubs off on the offspring - kids. I am sure that your own children want to cook after watching you cook. Tonight, my sixteen year old decided to make his specialty - Roasted Italian Chicken with Risotto. And, if I may so, it came out perfect!

To begin, marinate as many chicken breasts as you need to serve. My son and I recommend using the 'full uncut' version which means don't use chicken strip breast meat. Lay the breasts in a glass bowl or a glass baking dish that you will use to roast in.  Coat the breasts with a generous shake of garlic powder, paprika, Himalayan pink salt and fresh dried herbs: rosemary, mint, oregano, sage and mint. Drizzle with olive oil and let set for 1 hour.

Turn on the oven to 425f. When the hour has passed, pop the chicken into the oven for 25-30 min. While it roasts, prepare the Risotto. You will probably cook up about 2 cups of rice in 1 and half cup of water with a 1/4 cup of chicken stock. When tender, add to the drain rice 1 small can of diced Italian style tomatoes with garlic and basil. Stir and add fresh dried herbs. Sprinkle in some grated mozzarella cheese.

As the chicken finishes, top with grated mozzarella cheese.

Prepare to serve - Tutti a Tavola!

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