a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Bistro at Home ~ Beef Goulash with Creamy Mashed Potatoes, Asparagus and Cheese stuffed Mushrooms!

Homemade food is sadly becoming a thing of the past. Most people today are too busy to cook at home. Most food blogs are only those that are food art, that show fast prep/cooking in an artistic fashion or the foodie blogs that are just about praising their 'choice of restaurant'.

There is a difference between food out and food in - home cooked. We see that fast food keeps us on the run and that is not healthy. Home cooked food keeps us at home, with family and that is healthy as long as it is real home cookin.  Real home cooking is fast and frugal... which equals - Being A Brainy Gourmet at home.

This dinner is quite simple. You will need cubed beef sirloin or cubed chuck roast... beef for 'stew' by all means. One onion, one  garden green pepper, diced zucchini, as well as diced tomatoes and dried herbs: rosemary, mint, oregano and sage.

Saute the onion and green pepper in olive oil, add the diced zucchini and stir until browned. Then add one can of diced tomatoes. Let this garden 'stew' simmer while you quick sear the beef in a separate skillet. After searing the beef, add directly to the 'stew'.

Peel and half yellow potatoes. Put them to boil in salted water until tender. Sear the tender asparagus, then remove and sear the mushroom caps. Top with grated cheese and fresh chopped chive. In 25 minutes, you have a delicious home cooked brainy meal.

~ Tutti a Tavola!

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