a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Only Bacon Does it Better, Makes Me Feel Sad for the Rest....

Yes, really great bacon is a must when it comes to creating the best ever stack of buttermilk cakes...

Fry your bacon, drain the grease but save some to fry the cakes in; about 2-3 tbs. To make buttermilk pancakes and in this case 'fry' cakes, you can use any pancake mix. The key is NOT using egg and no oil in the mix. You want to use the same of amounts of buttermilk and cold water about 1/2 cup each to 1-2 cups of pancake mix. Watch for bubbles to appear as you stir using an egg whisk. Fry the cakes in the reserve bacon grease. Make sure the reserve you put back into the skillet is clear and without blackened bits in it. 

Stack em up and decorate!

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