a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Pork Shoulder with Carrots and Mashed Potatoes

Nothing could be more Midwest than this dish... and I am talking Iowa, the self proclaimed pork capital of the US.  This dish can be done in crockpot or in a covered enamel cast iron cookware for the stove top.  I prefer the stove top which on low works like a crockpot. You can walk away from it in the sense you don't have to stand by the stove to watch it for more than 90 min. But, I would not recommend leaving the house; though I have mowed the back yard while cooking this way. From time to time, I have used a crockpot in the past for this dish and it is just as delicious. I like to sear the meat in a hot black skillet though before putting it in the crockpot on low for 3 hours.

Today's preparation is for the stove top. To begin, on med heat saute one whole chopped onion in 3 tbs of olive oil and coconut oil. Add fresh dried herbs, stir until the onion begins to brown on the edges. Push aside the onion, turn up the heat and sear your pork shoulder on both sides. Reduce the heat to med and reintroduce the onion. To this, pour in 1/2 cup of beef stock or veggie stock. Add half a bag of baby organic or long garden carrots (washed/peeled), cover and let simmer for 90 min on low.

Just before the ninety are up, prepare yellow gold potatoes for boiling and mashing with fresh butter and cream. The kids will come to the table without calling. And, don't forget the homemade applesauce.

~ Tutti a Tavola!

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