a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

What to do when you are stumped for dinner?

 Don't get stumped ~ perplexed!

Why not serve steak and eggs with a side of oven roasted potatoes and a relish salad of grated Chinese cabbage with either dried cranberries or mandarin oranges. Being frugal about it, I like to use left over steak. But, if you don't have left over, then all you need to do is pick up a small grass fed thick slice of sirloin. I just so happen to have a piece left over from Sunday's dinner and will use that up.

Firstly, you will want to have your potato side in the oven already roasting (pre-cook in the microwave until soft, slice and place onto a cookie sheet coated with olive oil and dried herbs) so that when the steak and eggs are done, all is ready to serve.

Once the potatoes are roasting away at (350F), take your skillet, drizzle in some olive oil and toss in a few length wise pieces of steak (fajita style). If you have fresh bought sirloin, then simply sear until brown and just pink inside, remove and set aside so that you can sunny side up your eggs in the same skillet in a bit of butter.

Check the potatoes which should be ready to remove from the oven or broiler if you decide to use that instead. Have your spouse, dinner guest or kitchen helper (age able offspring) grate slice julienne style the Chinese cabbage then toss on some cranberries and silvered almonds, while you dish out the steak, eggs and potatoes.

*put a bottle of your favorite dressing on the table

~Tutti a Tavola!

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