a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Classic French Chicken in White Wine Sauce

Price per serving for two: $2.75

You will need to buy fresh boneless and skinless chicken breasts. Sadly, in most suburbs, people shop at the supermarket. In Europe, where I spent many years teaching and learning, I greatly appreciated that the butcher, baker and candlestick maker plus umbrella and belt and hat makers were still in operation on this or that corner in town. I could always count on fresh meat and fresh bread. I hope you are fortunate enough to be able to buy your meat and bread fresh and from the butcher and baker as they know the best and sell the best.

Begin by marinating your chicken breasts in 1/4 cup of white wine about 2 to 3 hours before cooking. I like to add olive oil as a coating and spices: red pepper flakes, garlic powder, sea salt and of course fresh dried herbs such as rosemary, oregano and lots of mint. Some people are not aware that fresh dried mint is an excellent herb for cooking any meat dish. When you are ready to cook, simply take your covered skillet and melt in 3 to 4 tbs of coconut oil and 3 tbs of olive oil on high heat. When they sizzle, lay in your breasts, browning on both sides. Reduce your heat to med. and cover for 6 min. Then add 2 tbs of fresh butter and 1/3 of heavy cream.  Reduce heat to low and cover for another 6- 8 min, depending on the thickness of your breasts.

In this time, prepare your side dish. I like to use buckwheat groats from time to time instead of rice or pasta. They are tasty and are as filling as potatoes and buckwheat is considered to be the healthier starch. You can boil them just as you would rice.

As for a vegetable, I recommend roasted green beans.

When everything comes together, pour out your groats into a serving bowl and lay your chicken onto a serving platter covering them with the lovely classic white wine sauce. The asparagus also should be served separately. The asparagus can be served hot or cold. I recommend you try it cold with a splash of olive oil. The asparagus can prepared earlier or at the time you begin the chicken.

Tutti a Tavola ~ Everyone to the Table!

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