a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Monday, May 11, 2015

Russian Pierogi With Pork Cutlet

Price per serving for two: 3.36

You will need to buy a package of pork cutlets, as many as you need. A package of frozen pierogi; unless you can do homemade.  People who lived rurally ate what they produced on the farm and they ate food that was what we call in English "stick to your ribs". Meat and potatoes were meals that offered the fuel farmers needed to maintain stamina required for working long hours of heavy and intensive labor.

The cutlets cook very quickly and all you need is a skillet with some olive oil and coconut oil; plus your favorite seasonings. In a separate oiled  pan, add chopped onion to saute along with some fresh farm smoked bacon. In the meantime, boil water with a pinch of salt to cook your pierogi.  Everything comes together at just about the same time which is nearly less than 20 min. This is an excellent stick to your ribs meal that is quick, easy and inexpensive.

Ladle your tender pierogi into a low lipped serving platter and top with onion and bacon. Set out the cutlets separately with a sprig of fresh parsley.

I like to put sour cream and applesauce on the table.


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