a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Monday, May 4, 2015

Eat Local ~ Eat Wise... be Brainy!

Eating local means eating only those foods which are available in your locality. It means eating foods that are grown locally and sold locally. It means eating in seasonal fruits and vegetables. It means that you can't always get or have what you want when you want it. You see, we can talk about carbon emissions and how people should cut back on driving but the bigger problem concerning driving that we should be talking about is the trucking in, shipping in, flying in of fruits and vegetables that are at every supermarket and local grocer that are not in season nor ever grown locally.

Being brainy is being frugal about local eating and that can mean sacrifice. We can't always expect to have what we want; we can expect to have good food though. Good food comes in many forms and from many different sources. Good food practices are what the brainy gourmet is about. Check out the website www.brainygourmet.om

In my imagination, I see everyone able to have a garden in their backyard, a few chickens too. We are building up to that but it takes time and money. Years ago, when my children were young, I tried to buy local milk, eggs and butter. But, I could not find anyone who would see it to me. Producers belonged to co-ops and or sold only in bulk. Fortunately, you can buy farm fresh eggs at a few local farms but that is about it. Most the problem stems from corporations that control local markets, they say that since they pay large taxes, they don't want and won't allow competition.

I lived in Poland and there you can buy eggs and cheese from local producers set up just outside big box corporate stores. At least you can five years ago. I hope that has not changed. There are more open air year round farmers markets there too with products grown by local people. Sadly, most such markets here offer products that are not locally produced.

Point being, if you can grow it, then do it. If you can buy local, then do it.

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