a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Friday, June 7, 2024

Make Your Father's Day Meatball Sammie with Plenty of Red Sauce!



Any Italian knows that ya just make your meatballs, and simmer in red sauce... right? I could taste this in my dreams...

For this dish, use whatever ground meat you prefer to use. For this batch, ground turkey (+ 1 egg) was used. Mix 1lb of ground turkey with 1/4 cup of heavy cream, 1/3 cup of dry bread crumbs, some garlic powder, a shake of parmesan cheese, a pinch of salt and dried herbs: rosemary, mint and oregano. Shape into meatballs and set aside.

Saute one purple onion along with 1/2 of a green pepper and 1/2 of a red pepper in olive oil. Toss in the meatballs after the onion and pepper have browned. Then let the meatballs brown a little on each side. Next, pour in 3-4 tbs of beef stock, cover and let simmer on med. high heat for about 4-5 min. Open a medium size can of crushed tomatoes and pour that in over the top of the meatballs.

Let simmer for 35-40 min on low heat. If you want toasted bread rolls, heat the oven to 350F,  drizzle each opened 'face up' roll with olive oil, lay in some mozzarella cheese and pop in the oven until the cheese melts, then ladle in the meatballs and sauce and serve.

His and hers...

~ Tutti a Tavola!

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