a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Brainy Braised 'French Caramel' Chicken...


Guess what I got for Christmas?  A Braiser...

Braising is an ancient method of cooking a meat or vegetable with liquid in a covered dish using low heat and believe it or not... has been around for at least 300,000 years, since man learned to prepare food on the hearth.

According to Master Class, “braising is a combination-cooking method that starts with pan searing followed by slow cooking in a liquid...usually in a Dutch oven or a slow cooker until ingredients become tender. A successful braise transforms both the ingredient being cooked and the cooking liquid itself into something harmonious”.

Braisers today are usually shallow cast iron lidded pots. They are designed to braise, which is a process that involves cooking on a stovetop and taking the pan in and out of a hot oven. Well-designed handles make it easier to cook in and handle the braiser as well as clean it.

For this Braised Caramel Chicken dish, you will need: 4 servings

2 tablespoons vegetable oil

2½ pounds skin-on, bone-in chicken legs and thighs

2-4 garlic cloves, peeled

⅓ cup (packed) light brown sugar

¼ cup Marsala wine

2 tbs of grated ginger

1 cup low-sodium chicken broth

¼ cup reduced-sodium soy sauce

2 scallions, or purple onion thinly sliced

To begin, place the braiser on the stovetop or range. Brown onion, garlic and ginger in olive oil until brown. Then place your chicken legs or thighs in skin side down and brown as well.


Lastly, add all other ingredients and let sizzle and bubble for a bit on the stove top covered... then into the oven on 350f. for about 40 -45 minutes. 

~ Tutti a Tavola!

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