a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Brainy Braciole with Polenta and Eggs for Your Easter Brunch...




For this 'Easter' dish you will need: either 1 lb your choice of steak (round/flank or sirloin) or boneless pork loin, fresh green Italian parsley, provolone cheese, and prosciutto ham. Also, you will need marinara sauce or meaty bolognese, and olive oil.

Start by pounding out either the steak or pork loin. You can make a large roll or cut the meat into more individual sizes. Lay on the cheese slices or grated, prosciutto and sprinkles of fresh parsley (or use fresh spinach leaves chopped). Roll up and tie with baking string or use wooden toothpicks to hold rolls together.

Next, fry in a skillet in olive oil until browned on both sides.

Remove from skillet and lay in a glass baking dish. Pour over the top, one half jar of marinara sauce or meaty bolognese and add some beef stock until the dish is brimming. Top with fresh dried herbs: rosemary, mint and oregano. 

Prepare Polenta according to recipe which you can find on a previous blog. Just type in Polenta in the search box on the Brainy Gourmet Blog. 

 Serve with Polenta... and boiled eggs or in blanket ;-)


Have a blessed Easter!

~ Tutti a Tavola!

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