a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Brainy Hawaiian Meatballs with Veggies on Linguine...


So simple and yet so island exotic. Hawaii brings thoughts of beaches and coconuts. Exactly, why this dish is called 'Hawaiian' meatballs...little coconuts. 

For this dish you will need: Sesame Teriyaki sauce, ground beef/pork (or turkey + 1 egg), grated organic coconut, bread crumbs, one large garden fresh green pepper, one young zucchini, one whole onion and Baby Bella mushrooms (optional). Also, you should have on hand heavy cream and dried herbs; all of this is to be mixed into the ground meat and shaped into meatballs. As a side, any rice medley will do.

To begin, make the meatballs mixing 1 pound of ground meat (beef, veal or turkey), about 1/4 cup of grated coconut and 1/4 cup dried bread crumbs along with 1/4 cup of heavy cream and fresh dried herbs: mint and sage as a bit of cinnamon basil if you have fresh from your backyard or window sill garden.

Fry formed meatballs in a large skillet in olive oil and coconut oil on high heat.  Once browned, turn down the heat and add 4 tbs of beef stock. Let the meatballs simmer on med. heat for 6-8 min covered.

Next, remove lid and add 1/4 cup of Sesame Teriyaki sauce. With the lid off as you stir, a thick glaze will caramelize as the sauce bubbles up around the meatballs. Remove from heat the meatball skillet setting aside while in a separate skillet, saute the green pepper, mushrooms (optional) and onion and zucchini in coconut oil. Let them sizzle away as you prepare a rice side.

  * I also like to top with coconut flakes, sunflower seeds and a zing of hot Polynesian sauce.

~ Tutti a Tavola!

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