a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Brainy 'Polish/Ukrainian' Meatballs in a White Gravy...


Polish meatballs are called pulpety. Fixed in sour cream with mushrooms and you have Pulpeciki w sosie śmietanowo - grzybowym. The meatballs are made in the same way you make them for spaghetti and meatballs. Just use either ground pork, beef, and veal (+ 1 egg optional). For this version, ground turkey was used and mushrooms were omitted; only because there weren't any in the fridge.

Using ground turkey, (can also use ground pork or veal) meatballs made the 'basic' brainy way: bread crumbs, herbs, garlic powder, a pinch of salt and heavy cream/sour cream + one egg. First, saute chopped onion in olive oil until browned. Add the meatballs to brown on all sides. Next, pour in about 1/2 cup of beef stock. Let this bubble away while you prepare the side, potatoes if you like. 

Lastly, as the beef stock has reduced a bit, pour in 1/2 cup of heavy cream. To thicken you can add either 1/4 cup of sour cream and or a gravy thickening mix (flour and water -1/4 cup). Once, it is thickened, let simmer on very low while you make potatoes, rice or wide egg noodles to serve. Top with fresh green parsley. 

~ Tutti a Tavola!

Monday, September 19, 2022

Hot and Spicy Brainy Schezwan Cuisine...


Who thinks chili peppers when someone mentions Asian food? Well, a lot of Asian cuisine is hot and spicy. Schezwan is a style of Chinese cuisine originating from Sichuan Province. It has bold flavors, particularly the pungency including an oiliness (peppercorn oil) and spiciness resulting from liberal use of garlic and chili peppers.

This is certainly a dish to heat of the middle of any week or weekend. To prepare, you will need: preferred meat of choice (cut into strips) or ground turkey made into meatballs. One onion, one roasted red chili pepper (alternative-jarred roasted red pepper), one green zucchini or any green veggie. To begin, in a large skillet, saute chop onion and roasted red pepper in coconut oil, olive oil, sesame oil or the traditional peppercorn oil if you have. Toss in julienne sliced zucchini and stir until just browned on all edges; set aside.

Since ground turkey (+ 1 egg optional) was used, a meatball mixture was made in advance. In the same skillet, brown the meatballs on all sides. Pour in about 1/4 cup beef or veggie soup stock. Let this bubble up covered.

Once the stock reduces, add 2 tbs of soy sauce, 1/2 half tsp of ground ginger, 1/2 tsp of garlic powder and the same of chili powder. For extra zing, 1 tbs of molasses or honey with a either a squeeze of lime juice or lemon.  An alternative to the citrus is to use apple cider vinegar. Let this simmer while you prepare the rice noodles.

Bring back the sauteed veggies and allow to sizzle until the sides begin to get sticky. Serve on top of the rice noodles (or linguine pasta) and top with shredded coconut and crushed peanuts...and put out the hot and spicy sauce; never enough when it comes to Schezwan!

and or with Pork Medallions...

~ Tutti a Tavola!

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Brainy Hawaiian Meatballs with Veggies on Linguine...


So simple and yet so island exotic. Hawaii brings thoughts of beaches and coconuts. Exactly, why this dish is called 'Hawaiian' meatballs...little coconuts. 

For this dish you will need: Sesame Teriyaki sauce, ground beef/pork (or turkey + 1 egg), grated organic coconut, bread crumbs, one large garden fresh green pepper, one young zucchini, one whole onion and Baby Bella mushrooms (optional). Also, you should have on hand heavy cream and dried herbs; all of this is to be mixed into the ground meat and shaped into meatballs. As a side, any rice medley will do.

To begin, make the meatballs mixing 1 pound of ground meat (beef, veal or turkey), about 1/4 cup of grated coconut and 1/4 cup dried bread crumbs along with 1/4 cup of heavy cream and fresh dried herbs: mint and sage as a bit of cinnamon basil if you have fresh from your backyard or window sill garden.

Fry formed meatballs in a large skillet in olive oil and coconut oil on high heat.  Once browned, turn down the heat and add 4 tbs of beef stock. Let the meatballs simmer on med. heat for 6-8 min covered.

Next, remove lid and add 1/4 cup of Sesame Teriyaki sauce. With the lid off as you stir, a thick glaze will caramelize as the sauce bubbles up around the meatballs. Remove from heat the meatball skillet setting aside while in a separate skillet, saute the green pepper, mushrooms (optional) and onion and zucchini in coconut oil. Let them sizzle away as you prepare a rice side.

  * I also like to top with coconut flakes, sunflower seeds and a zing of hot Polynesian sauce.

~ Tutti a Tavola!

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Brainy Labor Day Dish ~ Flank Steak with Sun Dried Tomatoes...


Sit down to a summer dish with perfect social distancing outdoors... your own backyard if you imagine

Italian cooking whether in the high mountains or by the sea should never be an all day long cooking process. It should always be spontaneous, fresh and full of flavor. This dish is just that.

For this dish, you will need either round steak or flank steak cut into strips marinated with a  squeeze of lemon juice, meat tenderizer or use a dash of sea salt. As for the rest of the ingredients, you may want to stop off and pick up some young asparagus spears or green beans, a jar of dried sun tomatoes, Kalamata olives and a box of linguine pasta or potatoes.

Start the water to boil for the pasta. Then, sear on high to med heat the marinated steak in 3 tbs of olive oil and some oil dregs from the jar of sun dried tomatoes, sprinkle in some garlic powder, red pepper flakes and dried herbs: rosemary, mint and oregano. Do not over cook.

Next, push the steak aside or remove (if you prefer your meat med. rare) and sear the asparagus or green beans in the same oils, toss in several sun dried tomatoes and olives. You can bring back the steak (or leave out preferring med. rare) and drizzle on a splash of hazelnut balsamic vinegar and 2 tbs of beef stock for a clean finish.

When the pasta is tender, drain and ladle onto a low lipped serving dish so you can top the linguine pasta with the steak, asparagus, sun dried tomatoes and olives.

~ Tutti a Tavola!