a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

From the Brainy Gourmet to Venice with Love...


Italians like spice... so spice up the night with linguine and pork or shrimp...

You will need a boneless pork loin or large shrimp or both; also, fresh green zucchini, jarred roasted red peppers, jarred sun dried tomatoes, and capers if you like.  Start by boiling salted water for the linguine pasta. Slice your pork loin (or prepare shrimp) into medallion size chunks. Take a covered skillet and drizzle in 3 tbs of olive oil, to that add fresh dried herbs: rosemary, mint and oregano along with garlic powder, red pepper flakes and just a pinch of salt.

Brown your pork on med heat (6- 8 min); once glistening and nearly cooked through remove from the skillet and set aside. In the same skillet, toss in julienne sliced fresh washed green zucchini and one whole roasted red pepper and a few sun dried tomatoes (2-3). Turn up the heat to high and sear your veggies. If you chose to use shrimp (precooked), just do the veggies first and toss in the shrimp last.

In the meantime, you should be checking your pasta. Once it is tender, drain and ladle onto a low lipped serving plate. Pour out your pork medallions and zucchini with peppers on to low lipped plate. Squeeze some fresh lemon or lime juice and olive oil to serve with a sprig of parsley or arugula. Linguine can be plated separately and guests can 'self' top with pork or shrimp mixture.


~Tutti a Tavola!

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