a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Monday, July 5, 2021

Brainy Gourmet Barbecued Ribs and Chicken...

Funny, I realized only a few days ago that I've never blogged about oven barbecued ribs or chicken. Why oven? I don't grill out and neither does my spouse. We just don't do that but we do enjoy grilled foods and believe that nearly the same barbecued flavor can be achieved in the oven or broiler. 

Now, if you like the smoky flavor, all you have to do is buy a bottle of liquid smoke. If that idea is out of the question, but still want that smoky flavor there is an alternative. Smoked paprika, a spice made by drying peppers over oak burning fires for several weeks, is a great alternative.

For this fourth of July, we barbecued in and it was great. Just prepare your chicken and ribs by seasoning them with your favorite rub mix. Place the ribs in one glass baking dish and the chicken in another. If you have a big oven, you might get them both in at the same time. If not, start with the chicken. 

Preheat the oven to 400f. When the chicken is half way done, remove and start the ribs. Then place them together, if they will fit, side by side to finish them off with a slather of barbecue sauce painted over the tops. Reduce the heat to 375f. 

The best fourth sides: sweet corn, french fries and salad. To that, you can add even more... potato salad, macaroni and cheese, coleslaw and fruit jello.  


~ Tutti a Tavola!


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