a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

The Art and Taste of Mashed Potatoes...

Few people think of potatoes as a 'gourmet' food. And, not too many people know that the French love a good 'mash' of potatoes besides their French fries...

For a gourmet mash potato dish, wash, peel, quarter and boil in lightly salted water as many potatoes per person to be served using your favorite potato... preferably Yukon Gold (not a russet potato).

When they are tender, drain and rinse quickly with cold water. Return the potatoes to the pot they were boiled in and immediately add 1/2 stick of creamy butter and 1/2 cup of whole milk...begin mashing.That's just the basic. 

You can get as creative as you like using sour cream or heavy cream instead of milk and olive oil instead of butter or both. And you might also like to add grated parmesan cheese topping with dried herbs.

Your mash can be eaten alone or with any side of meat...

~ Tutti a Tavola!

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