a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Brainy Veal Medallions with Roasted Red Peppers...

Italian cooking...for the fast and frugal but always with class!

For this dish you will need to buy: one lean veal loin. One jar of roasted red peppers or do them yourself on the stove top and of course, buy linguine pasta if you don't have any in the pantry.

Begin by sauteing in olive oil on medium heat the veal cut into medallion size chunks. Add these seasonings: rosemary or lavender (ready to use from the garden) and or mint, with some oregano including a dash of garlic powder.

Once the medallions are browned, add your roasted red peppers, including some of the liquid from the jar. To build up the sauce, just mix 1 tbs of flour to 4 tbs of cooking sherry and 1/2 cup of beef stock to make a thickening 'slurry'.  As the meat and sauce bubbles and perks, pour in the slurry; you may want to thin down the sauce adding more beef stock but only a little at a time to retain the consistency of the sauce.

Cover the medallions and peppers to simmer on low while you prepare water to boil to cook the linguine. As the pasta become tender, drain, rinse and ladle onto a low lipped serving plate. Top with the veal and peppers in sauce.

~ Tutti a Tavola!

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