a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Monday, January 8, 2018

Pork Cutlets in Creamy Mustard Sauce with Mashed Potoatoes and Brussel Sprouts

A quick winter's dinner...
When I think of the stories told to me or ones I've read about life on the farm in Iowa, I always remember the home-cooked meals those made with farm fresh meat and potatoes.

For this dish you will need: as many 'boneless' butterfly pork chops (not too thick and have them pounded or pound at home with a meat spiked hammer) as you will have guests.

Also, if you don't have on hand in the pantry/fridge: potatoes, Dijon mustard, heavy cream, dried plums, sun dried tomatoes, and Brussels sprouts or any green vegetable, then pick up whatever you don't have on the way home.

To begin: wash and peel as many potatoes as you will need (2 sm/med per guest). Boil in salted water until tender and readied to mash. Also, wash and either boil or microwave your green vegetable. The pork takes only as long to cook as it does to boil the potatoes; so try to do both at the same time.

In a covered skillet, drizzle some olive oil and sear (on high heat) the cutlets on both sides. Then, sprinkle with dried herbs; rosemary is highly recommended. Once seared, reduce the heat to medium and add as many sun dried tomatoes and dried plums as you wish (one or two per person). Swish around in the skillet right along with the cutlets. Next add 1/2 cup of heavy cream and 2 tbs of Dijon. Simmer for 8-10 min on low heat while you mash the potatoes.

~ Tutti a Tavola!

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