a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Parmesean Encrusted Chicken and Ravioli with Red Sauce....

On a quaint garden terrace in Italy, someone is having the same dinner as you are.... 

For this dish, you will need to buy a package of chicken breasts (as many per person), one or two package (s) of ravioli any kind you like (serving at least 4 per person). And, you will need to have: onion, fresh grated parmesan cheese, mayonnaise, tomato paste and heavy cream.    

Turn on your oven to F400. Take out a glass baking dish. Drizzle olive oil in the bottom and lay in your chicken breasts. Drizzle olive oil across the top of each, also sprinkle on garlic powder and a bit of salt. Slide into the oven to bake for about 8 - 10min. depending on the number of breasts used.

Remove, and gently squeeze/spoon mayonnaise over the top coating each one also coating each with fine parmesan cheese (from a shaker table top container) and then a handful of fresh grated parmesan cheese finishing with a generous sprinkle of dried herbs: rosemary, mint, oregano and a bit of sage. Bake in the oven uncovered for about 25 min. depending on thickness and number of the breasts used.  
For the ravioli preparation, take out a small stock pot and fill with water. Put this on the stove on high flame, add a pinch of salt. Once it boils, add the (thawed if using frozen) ravioli, stirring occasionally. While the ravioli boil take the chicken breasts from the oven, cover and set aside while you start the sauce for the ravioli.

Melt 2 tbs of fresh butter and 3-4 tbs of olive oil in a small skillet on a med heat/flame. Add diced onion and saute until browned, then add 1/4 cup of tomato paste and 1/2 -3/4 cup of heavy cream, a dash of salt, garlic powder and fresh dried herbs.  If it appears to thick, just add unsalted chicken stock.

Check the ravioli to make sure they are tender and ready to be drained. Finally, ladle the ravioli onto a white low lipped serving dish. Cover with the sauce and garnish with chopped fresh parsley or dried parsley flakes.

Serve with the chicken! ~ Tutti a Tavola!

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