a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Monday, August 21, 2017

Green Zucchini ~ The Italian Squash!

Zucchini is simply a variety of summer squash commonly used in Italian cooking. Some recipes actually refer to it as 'Italian squash'. Italian recipes using squash range from very simple to quite complex. One simple, traditional Italian recipe involves stewing zucchini with olive oil, tomatoes, garlic and fresh herbs, such as parsley or basil.

My mother always cooked for us and preserved in jars what she referred to as 'Italian Goulash' and of course its main veggie was Zucchini squash. Come a snowy winter evening, that goulash was a bowl of summer sunshine.

Basically, when it comes to cooking zucchini...you can stew it, fry it, roast it and even bake it with olive oil and herbs or bake it into a sweet breakfast bread. This summer squash can be found in many countries and kitchens. In France, it is even used to make the famous 'Ratatouille', a kind of goulash.

A bit of parmesan on that please...

 ~ Tutti a Tavola

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