a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Baking Bread is Simple Brainy Art!

Best Brainy Dough Recipe

7 and 1/2 cups of flour
1 Packet of dry yeast
1 tbsp sea salt  
1 tsp of sugar
3 and 1/2 cups water (100 degree temperature)

Mix warm water (100 degree) and yeast first, then add flour, salt and sugar. 
Fold together and let rise for at least 8 hrs; can stay refrigerated for up to 18 hrs.

If you want to make a Focaccia bread, as soon as it is risen, just pull some of the dough (amount you want to use) and literally plop it down (no kneading) on an oiled pizza pan and bake at 425 for about 35-40 min or longer depending on your oven temperature, gas and electric heat bake differently. 

If you want to make a desert bread like 'Pane al Cicoccolata' then add a tbs of sugar instead of the 1 tsp and the same of cocoa powder to another portion of dough and either fold in some chocolate chips or lavishly grated dark chocolate; or you could just sprinkle bits on top. Bake for about the same amount of time on 425 turning the heat down to 375 after the first 10 mins. 

 * have some fluffy butter or mascarpone cheese ready to spread... 

Top Photo ~ Bread Art by - Kevin Davis

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