a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Chicken Breasts in Creamy Almond Mushroom Sauce ...

When I pull something out of the freezer in the morning, its like pulling something out of a hat. Why? Because, I usually have no clue what it will be by the time dinner comes round. Really??? Yes, really. Its part of being brainy or what I call the brainy no- brainer strategy. Its about having a good stock in your pantry and freezer. You can of course pop by the grocer on your way home in case your low in food stuffs. But, a brainy gourmet knows what is in the pantry and what can be done with it (Check the side bar on the blog for basic pantry list).

This evening, having thawed out a package of skinless, boneless chicken breasts, I wanted the cooking to be as simple and as fast as possible since I spent most of the day push mowing 3/4 of an acre of grass and then ironing my sweetie's shirts and some of my own clothes as well.

To begin, chop one whole onion and slice as many champion mushrooms as you like then get them sauteing on med. heat in a skillet drizzled with olive oil and a large dollop of fresh creamy butter... don't forget the fresh dried herbs: rosemary, mint, lavender and sage. As they finished browning, add three drops of almond extract; stir and move to the side the onion and mushrooms so that you can lay in the chicken breasts sliced into strips. Turn up the heat so that the chicken can sear a bit. Once that has happened, move the onion and mushroom back over and add 3/4 cup of heavy cream. Stir again, making sure the chicken is covered in the delicious sauce, put the lid on, turn down the heat to low and let simmer for 20 min. In this time, prepare a  linguine pasta side.

Put out the cherry tomatoes and pretend you're at a French Bistro...

~ Tutti a Tavola!

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