a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Thanksgiving is over but Turkey is Always Good!

Yes, the holidays are behind us and I am sure many of you ate your fair share of turkey since Thanksgiving. But cooking and eating turkey is always a pleasure and its good for you. Especially, pastured turkey which is better than eating turkey raised in a container if you know what I mean. I won't go into detail about some producer practices but they are not the best for you nor the animal.

Turkey for dinner can be deliciously gourmet any day of the week. You can buy turkey breast, legs or thighs.
The quickest way to have turkey is to buy ground turkey and there are many organic brands as well as free range or pastured.  Being brainy and frugal, I keep a few packages of ground turkey in my freezer. I like to use the meat for hamburgers, meatballs or meatloaf. In a pinch, you can make a rich flavorful gourmet meal.

Today, I decided to make turkey meatballs with onion in a cream sauce (using as a base some left over beef au jus) a kind of turkey stroganoff.  To begin, I simply shaped 1 pound of ground turkey into equal balls (or you can break up the ground turkey) to be sauteed in 4 tbs. olive oil, 2 tbs. coconut oil and chopped onion. To that, besides laying in my meatballs, I added dried herbs: rosemary, mint and oregano. For this dish, I wanted a meaty taste and did not add anything to the turkey as I would when making meatballs for spaghetti. When the meatballs are cooked through, add 3/4 of heavy cream and grate in some aged Swiss cheese.

Let this simmer while boiling water to cook your side ~ mushroom infused tagliatelle pasta. When tender, drain and ladle onto a low lipped serving plate, top with meatballs and sauce.

 Tutti a Tavola!

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