a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Swiss Steak with Mashed Potatoes!

Who doesn't like Swiss steak with red gravy and mashed potatoes? No doubt about it, one of my favorites as a child and a favorite of my children.  Swiss steak as it is called, is made using 'round' steak. This cut of meat is not one of the best beef cuts but cook it just right and its delicious! You can do this recipe either on the stove top in a deep enamel stock pot, or in a crock pot.

I am not a typical or should I say regular crock pot cooker. But, since my daughter gave me a lovely crock pot as a gift, I have been inclined to use it when I need to. Today, I needed to. Being away from home for more than a few hours and knowing that I would come home too tired to cook even a 20 min. meal, I decided to do my Swiss steak in the crock pot.

You will need:
Nice large round steak, pounded
One small can of tomato paste
Beef stock and seasonings

Before leaving the house, I plugged in the crock pot on high setting. I quartered my onion and placed inside the crock pot. Over the top of the onion, I placed a few peeled carrots and parsnips and then poured 2 cups of beef stock in. I took out my thawed 'fresh' steak and cut it into a few large pieces. Then, I just laid it on top of the onion, carrots and parsnips now sitting in the beef stock. I generously sprinkled on top of the steak organic garlic powder, and a couple of pinches of salt along with fresh dried herbs: rosemary, mint and oregano. I then locked down the lid (still on high setting) and went about my business.

In a matter of hours, it was tender and aromatic. The final ingredient was to add the small can of tomato paste. This was stirred in slowly. I closed the lid again turning down the setting to low. In the meantime, I boiled potatoes. Once, tender, the potatoes were mashed. To serve, I simply placed the crock part on the table long with the potatoes.

Tutti a Tavola!

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