a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Polpette Agnello d' Abruzzo

Polpette Agnello d' Abruzzo con melanzane e zucchine ~ Lamb Patties with eggplant and zucchini

Abruzzo is located in central Italy, stretching from the heart of the Apennines to the Adriatic Sea; and, includes mainly mountainous and wild land. The Abruzzo region has two types of climate that are strongly influenced by the Apennine Mountains, dividing the climate of the coastal and sub-Apennine hills from the interior's high mountain ranges. Coastal areas have a Mediterranean climate with hot dry summers and mild winters and rainy hills having a climate where temperatures progressively decrease with increasing altitude and precipitation with altitude. 

Today, we are making ground lamb patties with a side of eggplant and zucchini. So simple and yet so delicious. You will need to buy at least 1 pound of ground lamb or more depending on the number of guest/family. What else ...should be coming out of the garden this time of year: eggplant, zucchini and one or two purple bell peppers (green if not purple).

You will want to wash and dice your eggplant and zucchini and start cooking them first. I like to use 4 tbs of olive oil and 3 tbs of coconut oil along with seasonings: sea salt, red pepper flakes, garlic powder, rosemary, mint and oregano. Toss in your veggies once the oils melt and begin to sizzle the seasonings in the pan.  Stir until you get browned edges, then cover for 10 min. on med heat, stirring occasionally. Once tender, remove and set aside. Using the same skillet, add another 4 tbs of olive oil and a bit more of the same seasonings. Then lay in your patties and sear on both sides on high heat. Reduce the heat and cook covered for 10 min on med to low heat.

You can also prepare some potatoes and tomatoes from the garden.

Tutti a Tavola!


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