a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Cream of Cilantro Chicken

Price per serving for two: $3.46

You will need to buy two large chicken breast, boneless and skinless. I like to slice them into thinner 'steak' like servings. From a package of two, I cut six of these chicken breast steaks. As for sides, a mix of pearl sized couscous and buckwheat groats cooked in rich chicken stock along with fresh veggies: a mix of zucchini and red pepper. Make sure you have fresh cilantro (now if you don't like the taste of cilantro just use fresh Italian parsley or even mint).

Take your covered skillet and melt in 3 tbs of coconut oil and the same of olive oil on low heat. Add to these oils sea salt, black pepper, red pepper flakes and garlic powder and dried herbs. Turn up to med. heat. Once the oils and seasonings spit back, lay in your chicken breast steaks. Brown on both sides. Then, pour in 1/3 cup of heavy cream. Let this simmer for 10 min.

In the meantime, slice or dice your veggies and in a separate skillet melt in 2 tbs of butter and 1 tbs of olive oil on med. heat. Toss in your veggies and brown, then turn down the heat to low and let them sizzle slowly.

As for the couscous and buckwheat groats, boil in 4 cups of chicken stock til they have plumped and absorbed all stock.

Back to the chicken, sprinkle into the skillet with your chicken, in its lovely sauce, finely chopped cilantro or parsley or mint; whichever you prefer.

That's all and what a delicious satisfying dinner.


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