a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Its Brainy 'Hungarian' Chicken Paprikash...


What is Chicken paprikash? Well, its one of the most famous and beloved of all Hungarian dishes

What is brainy is that you can use any chicken pieces you prefer: legs, wings, thighs, breasts...Just brown in butter along with chopped onions and a substantial dash of paprika. Then mix in or serve with a little or a lot of sour cream.  Again, for this uncomplicated dish: chicken, onions, butter, 'chicken' stock, paprika, salt, sour cream. 

To begin, saute one large chopped onion in two tbs of butter and a little olive oil too (if you like). Next, push aside the onion and lay in your chicken pieces. Brown on both sides. Next, add a pinch of salt and 1/2 cup of chicken stock. Then, add your paprika. Let this mixture simmer for at least 20 min. depending on the size of your chicken pieces. 

Lastly, add a large dollop of sour cream (or on the table) and simmer on low while you boil as much rice or 'wide' egg noodle pasta or potatoes as you want/need per guest.  


~ Tutti a Tavola!

Monday, August 29, 2022

Root Veggies from the Garden with Fettuccine Pasta...



Fettuccine Alfredo comes from Rome Italy. It was created by Alfredo di Lelio in about 1914 who ran a restaurant on the Via della Scrofa in Rome. The story goes like this: Alfredo's wife Ines was pregnant with their second child, and the pregnancy caused her terrible nausea. So, Alfredo made Ines a dish of plain pasta, pasta in bianco, and tossed the fresh-made pasta with butter and Parmesan.

Since then, there have been many versions of 'Fettuccine Alfredo'. Just keep in mind, that the original recipe used only butter and Parmesan, that is not only brainy, its fast and frugal as well. Having said that, here's the brainy gourmet's version using root veggies for some brainy pizazz...

You you will need to saute chopped onion in 4-5 tablespoons of olive oil, on med. heat; then add 1/4 cup of diced bacon and also dried herbs: rosemary, mint and oregano. Brown this mixture and then set aside. To this same skillet, add more olive oil and 2 tbs of coconut oil. Toss in peeled julienne cut parsnips and carrots, saute on med heat. Once tender and nicely caramelized, return the onion and bacon mixing in with the root veggies. Turn the heat to low or warm and cover.

Bring salted water to a boil and add your fettuccine pasta. Sometimes, I like to use either tomato or spinach infused pasta for this dish.  At the same time, take out another skillet and melt in 3 tbs of butter and 1 tbs of olive oil on low heat. Then add 1 tbs of flour to make a rue (base for white sauce). As soon as it thickens, add 3/4 cup of heavy cream, a dash of salt and pepper and a bit of garlic powder along with fresh dried parsley. Of course, add 1/4 cup of parmesan cheese, stir until creamy. When the pasta is done, drain and ladle onto a low lipped serving plate and pour out the creamy alfredo sauce over the top. Set out the parsnips and carrots as a side and encourage guests to top their pasta with the savory roots.

~ Tutti a Tavola!

*thinking of my nonno 'grandpa' who picked wild parsnips from the field nearby...

Friday, August 26, 2022

Brainy Mediterranean Moroccan Chicken Stew ...


As you might well know, Morocco is on the Mediterranean and the main Moroccan dish most people are familiar with is couscous (tiny pasta made of wheat or barley); beef is the most commonly eaten red meat in Morocco. Chicken is also stewed or roasted. And, as the name title says... Brainy Mediterranean Moroccan Chicken Stew is on the menu tonight.

For this dish, you will need skinless, boneless chicken breasts, one onion, one green pepper and red grape 'cherry' tomatoes, buttermilk and peanut butter.

Begin this dish by sauteing the onion, green pepper and tomatoes on med. heat in coconut oil, adding some red pepper flakes, garlic powder, ginger, paprika and cumin as well as either white or black pepper to taste. A lot of spicy Moroccan recipes make use of a lot of ginger, cumin, and turmeric.

Set aside the onion, pepper and tomatoes, and brown the chicken breast meat cut into chunks in the same skillet adding a drizzle of olive oil. Then return the veggies to the same skillet.

To this, add about 1/4 cup of gourmet buttermilk and 1/4 cup of heavy cream along with 1 tbs of creamy peanut butter. Stir and let simmer on low heat while you prepare a side of couscous or mashed potatoes. Once the couscous is ready and or when the potatoes are tender, drain and mash with butter and sour cream until thick and smooth. Ladle onto a low lipped plate, pour the chicken stew over the top and serve.

~ Tutti a Tavola

Brainy Liver and Onions ~ "Foie de Veau a la Lyonnaise"...



Ah... bon appetit!

Who doesn't like liver and onions? If you don't, its probably because you are not using quality calves liver but rather pork. Yes, it matter. Calves liver is from veal or very young beef. And, the French make it the best ~ "Foie de Veau a la Lyonnaise".

In France, Lyon and the surrounding Lyonnais district have competed for centuries with Paris to be first in food. Paris is chic, sophisticated, refined; Lyon goes for hearty, accessible country cooking that is easy to love. That is why liver and onions comes out of this district.

To begin, saute one large onion and grape or cherry tomatoes in olive oil until browned on edges. Then push aside and add your calves liver. Brown uncovered and then cover (tossing in dried herbs) for the last 6-8 min to achieve a delicious rich au jus. 

  ~ Tutti a Tavola!

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Pork Loin with Creamy Mustard Sauce and Summery Root Veggie...

Wish you could eat out but can't or don't... Well, any meal at home can be made better with a luscious sauce made from only a small amount of heavy cream (51 cal) which has less than half calories than olive oil (119 cal) per tablespoon. So, who wouldn't like to have a stove top roasted pork loin with onions, sun dried tomatoes and carrots topped with a creamy mustard sauce. You will need to buy a small to medium sized pork loin (depending on number of guests), one whole onion, a few sun dried tomatoes, and carrots. You should have on hand (in your pantry stock or fridge) heavy cream and Dijon mustard.

To begin, generously coat the bottom of your covered stock pot with olive oil, turn the heat to med. add chopped onion and dried herbs: rosemary, mint and oregano. Stir, cover and prepare whole baby carrots to be added next, use as many as you like. Then, take your loin and lay it in over the onion and carrots. top with a couple of sun dried tomatoes, sprinkle in some organic garlic powder and sea salt, add 1 tbs of vodka and 1/4 cup of beef stock, cover and let simmer for 40-45 min on low heat.

Microwave some yellow gold potatoes or any vegetable as a side dish. As for the sauce, take a small creamer and pour in 1/4 cup of heavy cream, a tsp of olive oil and 2 tbs of Dijon mustard, stir and microwave until bubbly.

Serve on a large plate and garnish.

~Tutti a Tavola!

Monday, August 8, 2022

What's the Brainy Gourmet Been Cookin...?

 Oh, just a little of this and that ;-)

Italian Chicken Riggi

Hungarian Chicken Paprikash...

Thai Chicken or Pork with Peanut sauce...

Chicken with Fresh Tomatoes and Pappardelle...

Mediterranean Chicken with Spinach infused Pasta...

~ Tutti a Tavola!


*Go to the Brainy Blog, type in any of these dinner names in the search box in the upper left corner of the blog... and see what pops up to inspire you!

Monday, August 1, 2022

A French Bistro Dish... Brainy Cassoulet!


Oh Mon chéri Cassoulet au poulet = Chicken Cassoulet!

French cuisine is often simple and hearty; it is never pretentious. It may sound and look elegant but that's only because its cooked with passion. For this dish you will need: as many bone in skin on chicken thighs as per dinner guest and half a (white/garlic) sausage per guest.

Also, you will need: one medium can of organic black beans (or white navy/pinto), one medium can of diced tomatoes with herbs and garlic, half a large purple onion, one glove garlic, beef or chicken stock, cooking sherry, bread crumbs and grated parmesan.

To begin, preheat the oven to 425f and slice or diced the onion. Then, in a deep glass baking dish drizzled with olive oil, lay in the onion. To that add 1tbs of lard, bacon fat or use butter. On top of that, lay in the chicken thighs, drizzle with a bit more olive oil and 1/4 cup of stock, about the same of cooking sherry and dried herbs: rosemary, mint and oregano + thyme.

Place in the oven until it begins to bubble. *Its a good idea if you have broil option to use it for searing the top of the chicken. Once the skin 'top' is crispy, reduce the heat to 400f. Add the can of diced tomatoes and black beans or northern white or a mix... and the (pre-cooked white/garlic) sausage.

Let this cook for 40 min. uncovered in the oven. At last, top with bread crumbs,dried herbs and Parmesan. Pop back into the oven using the broil option to crisp the top. This version is called a Toulouse style. As for a side, prepare a side of rice or potatoes....

 ~ Tutti a Tavola!