a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Brainy Italian Style Steak with Linguine...

Sit down to a summer dish with perfect social distancing outdoors... your own backyard if you imagine

Italian cooking whether in the high mountains or by the sea should never be an all day long cooking process. It should always be spontaneous, fresh and full of flavor. This dish is just that.

For this dish, you will need either round steak or flank steak cut into strips marinated with a  squeeze of lemon juice, meat tenderizer or use a dash of sea salt. As for the rest of the ingredients, you may want to stop off and pick up some young asparagus spears or green beans, a jar of dried sun tomatoes, Kalamata olives and a box of linguine pasta or potatoes.

Start the water to boil for the pasta. Then, sear on high to med heat the marinated steak in 3 tbs of olive oil and some oil dregs from the jar of sun dried tomatoes, sprinkle in some garlic powder, red pepper flakes and dried herbs: rosemary, mint and oregano. Do not over cook.

Next, push the steak aside or remove (if you prefer your meat med. rare) and sear the asparagus or green beans in the same oils, toss in several sun dried tomatoes and olives. You can bring back the steak (or leave out preferring med. rare) and drizzle on a splash of hazelnut balsamic vinegar and 2 tbs of beef stock for a clean finish.

When the pasta is tender, drain and ladle onto a low lipped serving dish so you can top the linguine pasta with the steak, asparagus, sun dried tomatoes and olives.

~ Tutti a Tavola!

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Italian Sausage... So many Brainy Meals!

 Italian Sausage with Ravioli...
 Italian Sausage with Penne...
and penne...
and more penne...
 Italian Sausage with eggplant...
 Italian Sausage with stuffed shells...
Italian Sausage Minestrone...
Italian Sausage any way you like em...

*When selecting Italian Sausage, look for lean meaty sausages without fennel.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Cheese Ravioli paired with Finglering Potatoes and Greens...

So, sometimes dinner gets thrown together but that does not mean it can't be brainy...

Summer vegetables are on the horizon. So, why wait... just gather some fresh veggies now from the grocer and pair them with pillows of cheese stuffed ravioli topped with diced red ripe tomatoes; include a side of steamed fingerling potatoes and a green salad.

The French fingerling variety of potato about 6 inches long is creamy, earthy and rich with a hint of nut flavor... a culinary treat that's simple to grow and or easy to find in the grocery store.

Boil the ravioli, steam or bake/roast the fingerlings and toss a green salad...

 ~Tutti a Tavola!